Chapter 46

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When he woke up, he hadn’t expected to have an heart attack in the morning

“She had a nightmare” Miss Romanova explained “Adorable kid but stubborn. I only allowed her to sleep with Peter because she promised she’d behave and Peter is her guardian anyway”

The red head crossed her arms, watching the scene before her as if its just another day. How is it just another day when Peter is patting Ellie’s butt like she is a baby that needs to fall asleep while her tiny tiny fists hold onto those soft soft curls?!

“No better way to go…” Yellow said like a sailor going down with his ship “Death by cuteness”

Wade nodded with Yellow, Natasha misunderstanding it as Wade’s response to what she said. He quietly squealed as he took a seat nearby the two sleeby babies, unable to take his eyes off how peaceful the two looked.

When Peter finally woke up, that was something else entirely. Wade’s chest tightened with the desire to run through those messy curls, messier than usual.
Peter seemed to be still tired, his eyes droopy and relaxed as curls fell over his face. Like other times he happened to be tired near Wade, he didnt plan what he said or how he said it, simply sat there speaking his mind and expressing himself as a normal human being should.

Wade was having a rollercoaster of emotions. Peter was just too kind, asking about Wade and Ellie. He was just too beautiful, smiling down as Ellie almost ate his hand in her sleep. He was too adorable, pouting (POUTING!!!!) when huffing stubbornly…
But most of all, Peter was so incredibly stupid, thinking any of this was his fault and being all selfless, saying he’s “ok” and asking if the other is alright as well as if he didn’t just get strangled and hit his head- which he called a “headache” by the way.

“Never thought I’d think he was dumb” White mumbled, astonished

“Yeah…” Wade huffed, sitting on his bed as he shook his head. He knew Peter was to put others first but this was too much.

“What do you think he was apologizing for?” Yellow suddenly asked, his booming voice soft and curious like a child’s

Wade frowned, looking down at his bare hand as he felt the feeling of Peter’s fluffy hair in between his fingertips.

“I don’t know…” Wade mumbled, closing his eyes as he recalled the tears that held onto Peter’s long lashes as he fell asleep “but… I think he was relieved”

Wade hadn’t even thought twice about removing his glove at that moment, gently brushing the tears which had spilled onto Peter’s cheeks. The notebook which he held now, had been saved for later as Wade took the job of soothing his fingers through Peter’s messy curls, watching him cuddle close to Ellie.

Chuckling at the memory of Peter’s cheek against Ellie’s chubby one, Wade finally turned back to look at the notebook in his hand that he didnt get the chance to read and deftinaly did not lie about being his so he could take it to his room. He had only barely read the first page but knew it belonged to his daughter, Ellie.

“Her handwriting has become better” White commented as Wade ran his hand over the, frankly, less messy letters “She writes in the lines…unlike someone”

“Yeah…” Wade smiled fondly, ignoring the last past of that sentence as he continued to read the notes.

At first, he didnt comprehend what the notes were about. He had assumed it was a diary, judging by the way it began on the orphanage and Peter, but soon found out that-

“Are these…” He blinked down at the pages that looked a lot like Peter’s notes “Notes on Peter?”

Wade was astonished to read how Ellie’s messy way of writing became structured, showing she didnt write right away but thought about how she could phrase it best. There were some small notes in different sparkling pens with arrows pointing to certain sections as well as some doodles of either her or Peter.
She even had a full page of a drawing of Peter labeled like he was some sort of android she built or something-

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