Chapter 40

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His favorite part of the day begins with the knocks at his door just before the same overly gelled set of brown hair peeks in.

He loves the morning walks and despite them being far too quiet than what he usually preferred (before the whole clogged up throat deal), Wade still feels excited every time they get to leave to the garden. 

The new added game time with Peter was also fun and gave Wade a bit of a day to day illusion- like he wasn’t in a crazy hospital at all and was rather hanging out with a friend-

“Peter is not your friend” White interjected “he is simply doing his job” he reminded

And that wasn’t true. Sure, Peter is supposed to talk to him as part of his work but Wade doesn't see any therapists going out their way to take walks, play games and just talk about things that didnt involve prying into other’s lives…

“Petey is different” Yelllow sighed lovingly “he goes further and beyond, he is so caring! and cute! and-“ 

That much was true. Peter did seem to care about others a lot, which Wade both admired and loved… and sure- Wade wasn’t getting any special treatment in comparison to Peter’s other patient’s but any patient of Peter’s got special treatment.

With lunch drawing close, Wade is left alone to eat his food- today was mashed potatoes, peas and fish- the kind of food they’d serve in prisons or England, just no taste. 

Trying not to rush throug his food just to leave this tiny white cell again, Wade began to think further about the things he had learnt about Peter…

He wasn’t like any particular person he has ever met before but then again you dont see many nerds in the military, not ones that survived or, after all the harsh training, continued to be nerds.

Peter was a different breed though… 

“Dont ever say that again” White mumbled

He wasn’t nerdy, per say, he was sort of cute and smart about it… but that wasn’t the point. The point was that Peter was giving major psychopath vibes the first time they met and- Wade is no psychologist but… it cant be normal to be that calm, collected…controlled.

Not unless you’ve seen some shit and Wade, having been in the military, has seen shit and as far as he knows, Peter hasn’t been in the military. 

He figured it came with the line of work but spending more time outside his room showed him how other therapists seemed to work around their patients… and Wade last therapist had been impatient but after meeting Peter he had assumed he just so happened to have a bad one first time.

That wasn’t the case though. While others sat and asked about things necessary, Peter seemed to circle around the question- He circles and circles like a hungry predator until the prey lowers their defenses and assumed the question will never be asked, not at the moment.

What they don’t realize is Peter is circling closer and closer.

“You’re making him sound so evil” Yellow whined “…and hot” he added as an afterthought.

Now, Peter was a professional psychologist but is he always so uptight even out of work?

“Professional Psychologist Peter Parker” Yellow whispered and Wade waved his hand around as if attempting to swat a fly that wasn’t present

Wade had seen glimpses of what Peter is… he was playful and, surprisingly enough, sassy… but everytime Peter caught himself slipping his eyes widened and would look at Wade as if expecting something bad to happen, expecting Wade to do something.

The Patient's Painkiller is a PsycholologistUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum