Chapter 30

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Waking up that day was like a punch to the face.
His oatmeal tasted crappier, usually Wade would eat it and claim it didnt taste like anything at all...However it tasted bad.

When the clock hit 9 am there was no knock at his door but he still sat at the table, unsure as what to do.

"Nooooo!" Yellow sobbed "A week without Petey! Noooo" he wailed

"It's for the best, we need him to be okay in order to take care of Ellie" White said "we have given him enough work as it is"

"No we haven't!!" Yellow would be stomping his for if he could

"Peter's job is to be our therapist" White spoke through clenched teeth "not go around doing small errands and unecessary things for us!" he snapped and Wade shuts his eyes.

It was true... Peter didnt have to go around using his money for him, visiting other asylums, commissioning masks...Peter didnt have to do any of that and yet he did-

"All because of you" White's voice was quiet and haunting in itself but it sounded as if someone turned up the volume a hundred times more, causing the words to pound in his skull.


A knock at the door and Wade looked up to see someone had already come in. The knock wasn't the usual rhythm so he knew it couldn't be Peter but still hope blossomed and quickly wilted in his chest as he was met with Dr Banner.

"Good morning" he greeted as he closed the door behind him, reading something off a clipboard as he walked in "I received the questionnaire you'd taken based of your social boundaries at the moment" he looked up and gave Wade a polite smile as he pulled out a chair and began to point at the copy of the paper had filled out weeks ago.

"It says here that you are alright to participate in group sessions as long as you have a carer with you" he begins "You added Peter, obviously, but he isn't here..." his eyes looked up at Wade, checking if he was still alright before he proceeded

"I was wondering if you'd like to visit the game room?" he offered "thee will be other patients there and we keep it to minimal people so it isn't crowded" Dr Banner explained, sitting up properly in his chair as he looked at Wade.

"There you'll be able to be distracted with books, television, video and board games" he listed "You can be there for as long as you'd like, Miss Romanova will be there so if you need to leave or need anything else you can ask her for help?"

Looking forward at the man, Wade pinched his legs from beneath the table, trying to ease his nerves.
He'd eventually have to leave and socialize with others, be in places with people... He already goes to gym but at least then hes distracted by physical activity, maybe this could offer the same?
Sure, usually on his walks out in the garden with Peter there would be a few people sat down, drinking coffee, or walking...But Wade was with Peter then...

"Of course you aren't forced to do so" Dr Banner gave him a sympathetic smile "I'm just giving a suggestion so you aren't stuck in here the whole day"

Wade stands up and grabs his Pucca notebook, pausing as he looked down at the cute red design chosen by Peter...Then he placed it down and grabbed the black notebook instead as he made his way back.

"Can I still go gym?" he wrote and lift the book up for Banner to see, who seemed a bit caught off guard but quickly adjusted

"We'd have to find you a carer to go with you" the doctor hummed "do you have a usual time you like to go?"

Wade nodded and Dr Banner nodded in response to it

"Yes, we can get you someone to come and escort you if its during the same times" he smiled "is that alright?"

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