Chapter 12

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"You don't understand because you've never seen it" she said in a small voice, standing outside to watch Peter leave "once you'll see the horror that is Wade Wilson... you'll understand" Jessica’s warning pounded in the corners of his skull, knocking repeatedly, reminding Peter...haunting him.

He began to fear not her words but the possibility that he, too, would become like Jessica Warren. What if the moment Wade were to open up to him, reveal his scars, Peter wouldn't be able to control his reaction? Would hurt him further? 

"Peter" a deep voice called and the brunette jumped awake from his own mind space, eyes wide as he was face to face with Wade, who looked worried from behind the mask.

Quickly shaking his head to attempt to clear his thoughts away, Peter tried to relax his tense posture. 

"Sorry" he tried to smile, faltering before fixing it for his usual one, that only softened at the realisation Wade had talked to him- called his name, to be precise. Peter had nearly forgotten the timber of his voice and was glad to be reminded of it at the moment as it was as comforting as it was rough. 

Wade only tilted his head in a way that might've been intimidating had Peter not known he was thinking, head quirking side to side as if hearing something. 

Peter kept his patient smile, allowing the other to sort his thoughts as he tapped on the notebook-

The notebook which had writing Peter didn't recall seeing.

"Goodness-" Peter breathed as he looked back at Wade "Sorry, I hadnt meant to space out during our session" he frowned, reaching forwards to try and read what Wade had been telling him. 

“I decided on my mask :D!!”

“You look better” 

“What’s on your mind?”

“Y so seriouz?”

Messages had small doodles, drawn in different colored crayons, around the page, as if the other had attempted to get his attention through them. 

Peter winced, looking up from the paper to see Wade stare at him in his usual way, calculating yet curious. 

With a deep breath, Peter looked down at the table, weighing the best course of action. 

He could simply pretend it had never occurred, however that would be brushing off Wade as ‘crazy’, he could also make up an excuse, Peter had been tired yesterday morning and could very well use that…

“Actually...” Peter began, knowing what was right to do “I visited your old asylum…” 

Wade visibly tensed, shoulders squared and eyes snapping to the door for a brief moment before settling back on Peter. 

Sighing, Peter knew that in order for there to be trust, Peter needed to be honest with Wade, he shouldn’t lie unless absolutely necessary and even then, Peter would most likely choose to tell the truth.

“I met with Miss Warren, your previous carer” Peter continued anyway, despite how uncomfortable the other looked “I may or may have not pressured her to give me details on what happened to her since you wouldn’t open up… sorry for not respecting that boundary or for being impatient to get answers” he reached for a crayon and straightened it, beguinning to line them up as he would his own things in order to ease the guilt for bringing discomfort.

Through the line of his glasses, Peter noticed the larger man hunch forwards, almost in shame, just as a pup would shrink when getting scolded by their owner… as if the other had done something to be shameful of. 

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