Chapter 3

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"You ready?" Makenna's roommate, Hee, dabbed on her lipstick with her finger and turned to her,

"Almost." Makenna lifted her hands behind her neck sliding the necklace on and then hooked the ends,

"I'll be downstairs, hurry up." Hee left the room.

Makenna had been lucky to have Hee as her roommate for two and a half years going on three. To find a roommate and be so in sync with each other was hard to come by but the second she met Hee, they'd hit it off. Of course, she had been less talkative and reserved in her first year and Hee had given her the space she wanted and helped with her social life when she started to come out of her shell.

Makenna stared at herself in the mirror in her all-black outfit and silver pieces of jewellery. She looked nothing like herself and that was perfect, she thought with a smile. She grabbed her phone and locked her room door on the way out.


Makenna turned in the direction she heard her name as she walked down the stairs. The group was back together for the first time after winter break and they were heading to the frat party, she was certain, to get wasted.

"Who's ready to party?" Makenna screamed when she got to the bottom of the stairs.

At the frat party, Makenna still nursed her first drink when everyone else was on their third and fourth.

"Hey." Brandon, who was part of their group, joined her where she stood and watched everyone else have fun, "What are you doing here by yourself?"

"I'm not by myself," She took a swig of her beer, "I'm with you."

Brandon smiled and took a swig of his beer,
"I haven't seen you dancing with anyone."

"Gee, stalker much?" Makenna looked at him,

He glanced at her and Makenna downed the content of her red cup,
"I need another one."

"I'll get it for you."

"No, I got it." She was already headed towards the kitchen where the snacks and drinks were.

Makenna filled her cup and placed the tap on top of the keg before she turned around and bumped into someone. Actually, the person bumped into her and she jumped back in horror.
"Watch where you're going, horse-face!"

The guy turned to her, clearly drunk, hands up in surrender as he snorted a laugh,

To-late for an apology when her drink was all over her.
"Ugh!" She dumped her cup in the bin and headed out of the kitchen in search of a bathroom. "Jerk." She muttered under her breath as she headed up the stairs.

She tried the first door when she reached the top of the stairs but it was locked, she kept trying every door in the hall until one of them finally opened up. The sound of the music was immediately muffled as she shut the door behind her and leaned back against it, eyes closed as she sighed.

She'd almost lost it there in the kitchen, a second longer and she would've punched that guy's face. She told herself it was an accident and he hadn't meant to. She sighed and opened her eyes to find that she was standing in someone's room. She found another door and headed towards it, she walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Gathering a bunch of toilet paper, she dabbed on the front of her top to soak up the beer. At least she would smell drunk, that was the only advantage because she had to keep up her image.

Just as she threw the toilet paper into the toilet and flushed it, the lights went out.
"Great party." She said in the darkness and then headed out of the bathroom.

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