Chapter 95

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Killian shut the door behind him as he walked into his home. He was about to head up the stairs to his room when he heard the whirring of what sounded like a drill. He paused, looking in the direction of where the sound came from. It was a room at the end of the short hallway, facing the stairs.

"Dad?" Killian removed his foot from the first step and headed towards his father's home office.

Getting to the entrance of his dad's office, he stopped in surprise at the commotion that was happening inside.

"Mum." Killian stood in the middle of the doorway staring at his parents who were too busy to see him,

Brianna turned in surprise and her face lit up as she saw him,
"Hey, when did you come in?"

Brianna made her way to him and Killian gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, his attention still in shock at the state of his dad's office.

"Just a second ago," He replied, "What's going on?"

"We're renovating your dad's office."

Joe looked up having finished taking out the screws from the door hinges of the cupboard making it look more like a shelf.

"Oh, hey son."

"What's happening?"

"I'm moving out." Joe said,

Killian stared at his dad and blinked,
"I'm sorry, what?"

"Your dad's moving out of his office,"

Killian looked at his mum,

Brianna looked at Joe and then back at Killian,
"We decided to turn his office into another room."

Joe nodded,
"For your sister. I don't know why we hadn't thought of this earlier."

Brianna looked at Joe,
"We were hoping she would come over more and eventually be able to stay over in her room."

"But that's not happened, and she hasn't stayed over because of that." Joe said,

"Or maybe she hasn't stayed over because she prefers not to stay over." Killian said,

Brianna and Joe looked at each other. Joe shrugged and Brianna nodded.

"Could be," His mum said, "But at least with this room, she'll have somewhere to stay until she's able to stay in her room...again."

"And this could also be a guest room in case Thea comes over."

"Or she could stay in Kenna's room." Brianna added quickly,

"Yea." Joe agreed with her,

"Ok," Killian said, "Looks like you've both thought this out."

"We have." Brianna said, "Are you staying for dinner?"

"No, mum," Killian said, "I just came to grab a few things, I have to be at work in a few minutes."

"I'll just pack something for you to eat at work."

Killian smiled to himself,
"Thanks, Mum." He placed a kiss on her head before he went up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, he turned to head towards his room but stopped when he saw the attic open. His parents had probably gotten stuff out and left it open to return them later. His feet started moving in the direction of the attic without intending to go there. He paused at the base of the stairs, looking up and contemplating his decision.

You're still stuck sorting through those past feelings.
Martin's words rang through in his head.

With a huff, Killian headed up the attic determined to begin sorting through those past feelings he'd unknowingly pushed down. Getting to the attic, he stood there looking at all the stuff they'd moved for storage. Makenna's library of books tucked to one side after she'd broken down and tossed them out of her room.

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