Chapter 71

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Makenna made it to the counter and flashed a small smile as the familiar face behind the counter glanced up at her.

"Hello, Mr. Miller."

As he got up with a smile, she noticed how frail he looked but kept the smile on her face. He was in his late seventies but he looked older than his age. Losing his wife almost a year ago was clearly taking its toll. Her heart went out to him. She knew what it was like to lose someone that was your soulmate.

"Makenna, it's been a while since I've seen you here."

"I could say the same." Makenna kept her gaze on him as he scanned her items. A part of her wanted to ask how he was doing but the sensible part of her knew it wasn't a good idea.

His answer would be nothing other than 'I'm doing fine' while the pain in his chest felt like it had a death grip on him. He would try to get through the rising fullness in his chest that was setting off tears in his eyes as memories tried to unfold. He would avoid those memories, giving his task all the focus to get his mind off it. Then he would smile at her like there was absolutely nothing going on. Like it was just another normal day. But inside, there was an unavoidable ache; a dark hole that festered and grew with every passing day.

He looked up at her with a smile and Makenna blinked, returning the smile as he told her how much she had to pay. Makenna paid and waited as he packed her items in a bag.

But what do I know?
She thought.

"Here you go." He handed her the bag,

"Thank you, Mr. Mill..."

"Ah." He interrupted, "How many times do you want me to tell you?"

Makenna smiled,

The smile he gave her was different from the other ones. It felt true and she basked in the feeling of pure joy that it brought her. Something small, yet so immense.

Makenna headed for the door and Atlas watched her go having witnessed the whole exchange. Makenna had been shockingly pleasant to the man.


Atlas turned to find Tim watching him with what he assumed was supposed to be a knowing smile.

"If you want to catch up with her, you better hurry up and pay."

"Oh, no. I'm not..." Atlas' words got lost when he realised there was no way to explain the situation to the man, "Right."

Atlas paid and left the store. He smiled as he caught sight of Makenna heading in the direction of the dorm.

Makenna had put the bag of goodies into her own bag but took out a Snickers bar. She unwrapped it halfway and took a bite when she heard footsteps behind her. She spun around; her pulse quickening.

Atlas came to a complete halt, his hands up in the air, the bag dangling from one hand.
"It's just me."

Makenna resumed chewing as she turned back around resuming her walk. She let out an inaudible sigh as her mind replayed the moment in the library. She cringed at herself, feeling completely embarrassed about that moment. It was one of those moments in time where you couldn't help looking back on and hating yourself for doing the things you did, making the choices you did. She knew it would haunt her years from now.

She mentally face-palmed herself.

Atlas studied her face as he fell into step beside her,
"What's his story?"

Makenna glanced at him,
"Who?" She took another bite,

"Mr. Miller." He said not wanting to reveal that he'd noticed something different in her interaction with him,

"He lost his wife almost a year ago."

Atlas hadn't been expecting that, and the air rushed out of him as he focused on his steps,
"It must have been rough."

"Still is."

Atlas nodded but stayed quiet,
"I wonder if it ever gets easier." He muttered,

Makenna slowly inhaled, shaking her head,
"It doesn't."

Atlas looked at her, studying her profile only for her to turn and catch his gaze. Makenna instantly thought back to that moment and it made her cringe and look away.

Atlas smiled at the look on her face before she turned.
"What was that?"


"You just had a look."

"I didn't."

"Oh, you did."



"What are we?" She asked with a frown but with a hint of a smile in her voice and on her lips.

"Friends?" He provided innocently even though he knew what she actually meant,

Makenna resisted the urge to roll her eyes, but a smile, in the form of a smirk, lingered on her lips at how silly they had just acted. Like they were five or something.

"Oh my," Atlas sounded stunned, "You have a smile on your face."

Makenna's smile instantly fell,
"I don't."

"That's alright," Atlas smiled, "It'll be our little secret."

They walked in silence for a while and Atlas couldn't help thinking about how carefree he felt in the moment. He couldn't help thinking the reason might be the company. He was aware that every time he was with her, he didn't have to think about anything other than her.

Figuring her out.
He corrected.

Makenna munched on her Snickers bar in silence feeling surprisingly unbothered by his presence. But her mind couldn't help replaying that embarrassing moment in the library.

She inwardly cringed again. It was like her brain wanted her to relive the moment until it no longer bothered her.

"You're different."

Makenna looked at him to find him watching her,

"Tonight. There's something different about you."

She shrugged and looked away,
"Not sure what you mean."

"You seem...lighter. As compared to earlier in the library."

The library.
She clenched her jaw trying to stop herself from physically cringing.

"Like you no longer have the weight of the world on your shoulders."

"Or maybe it's the world imposing its weight on me." Makenna slowed and came to a stop facing him,

Atlas stopped, facing her as well,
"How so?"

Makenna smiled inwardly,

Makenna walked past Atlas and he couldn't help turning his head as he got a whiff of her perfume. He smiled and frowned as he got a distinct scent that made Makenna more of an enigma. It rivalled everything Makenna was and confused him. He couldn't quite place it, but it was almost...floral.

How have I not noticed that before?
Atlas turned to watch her walking away in the dark.

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