Chapter 16

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Makenna turned her head to look at Atlas just in time to see him smile at his sister before he raised his hand signalling to the waiter who wasted no time heading towards their table.

Makenna turned her gaze and focused on her brother who found her gaze just at the same time,
"No work today?"

"Had someone cover my shift." Killian said, "He owed me one."

The waiter arrived at their table right then and they all wasted no time at all deciding and ordering their food.

"Drinks?" The waiter asked as he wrote down their food orders,

"One bubble tea," Thea smiled at Killian when he spoke,

Atlas noticed the exchanged and sat back.

"One iced vanilla latte." Killian looked at Makenna to see if she would say otherwise, "A beer and..."

Killian glanced at Atlas to check with him.

"Oh," Thea spoke, "And anything for my brother over there. He likes a surprise drink."

The waiter looked from Thea to Atlas, and so did Makenna,

Atlas nodded at the waiter,
"Anything at all."

Makenna smiled to herself wondering what that was all about as the waiter nodded and left their table to place their orders.

"Killian, where do you work?" Atlas asked a moment later,

"A retirement home." Killian answered, Thea's hand in his and in his lap, "It's something I enjoy doing."

Atlas didn't know what to think of that. He'd been waiting for something he could use against Killian, anything to justify that he wasn't good enough for his sister. But, not only did he look at his sister like she was everything to him, he knew her favourite drink and he enjoyed working at a retirement home.

"Thee said you're an artist." Atlas said, "I thought maybe you'd have preferred to get a job in that field."

"It's just for a little while." Killian said, "Of course, I'd still like to volunteer some of my time at the retirement home but I'll find a job in my field."

Killian glanced at Thea,
"Soon." He added,

Makenna had seen the way Killian and Thea looked at each other and more specifically, she'd seen the way Thea looked at her brother when he wasn't looking and she felt a light turn on inside her as she watched the innocent looks and the touches they thought they were doing a good job at hiding.

Killian and her parents had been college sweethearts and she always wondered how they could have ended up together and remained in love ever since. Looking at Killian and Thea made her get a glimpse of the 'why'. Of course, they were much younger than their parents had been but she could really picture them years from now still looking at each other like the way they were a few seconds ago.

But then again, she wasn't counting on it. There were chances that they might not even make it past their graduation. But for now, she was happy for her brother.

"Mac, your brother never talks about you." Thea said,

Makenna glanced at her brother with a smile,
"That's my brother." She said like it was high praise, "And he's told me about you."

"Mac is studying to be in Law enforcement."

"Oh." Thea looked from Killian to Mac, and so did Atlas,

Makenna didn't want to get into that, so she did what she did best,
"And Killian tells me you're studying to be a curator. I'd say with that job of yours, you're on your way."

Thea smiled and it reached her eyes,
"Thank you."

"Law enforcement, uh?" Atlas asked, still wondering about it,

Makenna turned to look at him,
"Why do you look surprised?"

"Not surprised," He said, "Just curious."

"What about you?"

"Atlas' taking over the family business after he graduates."

Atlas frowned,
"Not exactly 'taking over'." He looked from Thea to Makenna, "Just another employee."

"Family business?" Makenna asked as she glanced from Atlas to Thea,

"Dad runs a company." Thea said, "Atlas has been working with him every University break."

"You're here for your masters then?"

"I transferred here for my final term."

Makenna didn't know why, but the more she learned about him, the more she wanted to know. As did Atlas. He only knew she was studying to be in Law enforcement and he wanted to know more. Everyone had a reason for being in their line of study, that's if they weren't being coerced into it like he was, and he wanted to know what her story was.

Makenna nodded like she understood him and then looked away from him telling herself she didn't need to know anything about him. It wasn't like they were going to bump into each other again. Even if they did, she didn't need to know anything about him for that.

Thea looked at Killian,
"Can I have some of your chips when they arrive?"

Killian smiled when she said 'chips', which he knew was 'fries',
"I thought you said you didn't want any."

"Yea, well, I'm feeling like it now."

Killian laughed silently,
"That's why I ordered the large."

Thea smiled and placed a quick kiss on his cheek which made his smile widen,
"You are seriously my best boyfriend."

"Hey, only boyfriend."

"Right, of course," Thea said, "Thanks to my brother."

"I'm seriously thankful for your brother."

Thea chuckled,
"I can't imagine what it would be like with you two when/if we hung out at a pub and some random bloke approached me."

"Firstly, I am never leaving your side, so that's not going to happen." Killian said seriously, "And secondly, that would definitely be the last time he ever approached a girl at a bar."

Makenna and Atlas who'd been watching them whispering to each other and quietly laughing looked at each other for a second. A smile lingered on the corner of Makenna's lips as if saying 'look at them' but Atlas looked away which made her frown and wonder what the fuck was up with him.

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