Chapter 77

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Makenna walked back alone to her dorm that night. It was a bit chilly, but her clothes were just big and thick enough to ward off the cold. She had her AirPods in with the volume of the music low enough to hear the noise from her surroundings. Her arms folded in front of her, and she tucked her hands into her side to keep them warm.

Her steps faltered when she heard a loud noise. She came to a stop, taking out one of her earphones. She looked around for a moment but didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary. She shook her head knowing her crazy mind played these types of tricks on her. It was getting old, yet she always fell for it.

Better be safe than sorry.
She thought as she put the earphone back into her ear and continued walking.

She was coming up to an alleyway when she saw shadows on the pathway in front of her. The light from the alleyway casted shadows of the people who stood there. She kept her pace but as she reached the alleyway, she glanced at the people who stood there.

Makenna's felt her heart fall to the pit that appeared out of nowhere in her stomach as she came to a screeching halt. She took out her earphones as their voices grew loud enough for her to make out what they were saying.

"I apologize." The girl said,

"Oh no baby, you've got nothing to apologise for." The man smiled at her as he leaned closer to her, "You've just got to come through on what you've been teasing me with all night."

"I don't have anything."

He leaned closer, backing her up against the way.
"Yes, you do." He smirked, "You've been asking for it. Literally been begging."

The girl looked frightened,
"Please, just let me go."

"Not before you pay up, I won't."

Makenna thought her voice sounded familiar.

The man and the girl turned to look at her, but Makenna felt the rage rise as her gaze met Thea's wet ones.

"Mac," She called out softly, "Help me."

Makenna's gaze shifted to the man, and she immediately knew that face. It wasn't the idiot that she had beaten up not too long ago, but one she dreaded. That one face that she had dreamt about clawing her nails into just to disfigure him. She had never been able to, but tonight was the night.

Makenna's breath came faster as the rage built within her almost making her dizzy. But rather than get a handle on it, she let it envelop her in a bubble of years of pent-up anger and revenge. She was making him pay tonight.

Makenna made a beeline right for him, walking briskly, her steps quickening. The man grasped at Thea's hand and pulled her along with him, dragging her. Makenna got closer and closer.

"Kenna, help me." The soft cry surprised her,

Makenna frowned and her gaze shifted to Thea's face only for her to come to a screeching halt. She felt her whole world begin to tilt as she looked at Rachel's face.

Makenna shook her head as her heart pounded in her chest.

"Please, help me." Rachel called out to her in tears, "Don't leave me."

"Rachel." Her name slipped out of Makenna's mouth in something that was below a whisper,

No. This wasn't happening.
Makenna closed her eyes, shaking her head.

She looked down at her trembling hands to find them covered in blood. A horrified gasp escaped her mouth as she stumbled backwards.


Makenna looked up to find Thea looking back at her in pain. Her face was scrunched up in extreme pain. Thea's gaze shifted from hers to her hands that were clutching the side of her stomach. Her hands fell away to reveal the blood seeping out of her wound and coating her t-shirt. Her bloodied hands shook as she shifted her gaze back to Makenna.

"Help me." Rachel pleaded but Makenna was frozen.

Everything in her world felt unstable and the horrifying noise filled her head as her whole world spun in a never-ending cycle. Rachel and Thea kept calling out to her for help, but her gaze tried to find the man. He was nowhere. Then he was everywhere. And soon, he was standing right in front of her grabbing her arms and jerking her into his body.

Makenna felt like a truck slammed into her from behind as she jerked awake into a sitting position. Her breathing was fast and unsteady as she tried to get air into her lungs. Her shoulders rose and fell at a quick pace as she stared into the darkness of her room. She tried to swallow the dry lump in her throat and blink away the tears in her eyes, but it was no use.

Makenna shifted her gaze towards Hee. The trace of light that seeped into the room from the widow showed that she was still asleep. She reached for her phone on her table with her trembling hand and checked the time.

It was just a few minutes to five.

She placed her phone, screen facing down, on her bed as she tried to get her breathing under control. But that also allowed her to sit in silence and really think about what she had just dreamt about.

Absolutely bizarre. That's what it was.
She thought.

Before Makenna could allow herself to analyse the dream. She pushed herself out of her bed and headed out of her room towards the bathroom. Her breathing was somewhat back to normal by the time she made it there. She placed her hands on either side of the sink, looking down at nothing exactly.

Makenna finally looked up into the mirror to find someone she didn't recognise staring back at her. This girl was scared and was obviously hurting. The tears in her eyes grew and her lips trembled. Makenna hated her as she watched her grow weaker by the second.

"You are so fucking messed up." She said in utter disgust.

" She said in utter disgust

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Happy August!

I started off the month with a bang and I'm already super excited for this month's vlog. If you watched the last vlog, you'll know that I started working on a new story and you can hear all the details about it in that vlog and other vlogs to come. (Direct link --->)

Thank you for all the love and support on Broken so far. I absolutely adore you guys and I'm very thankful.


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