Chapter 19

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Atlas stayed close to the main house, away from the main party but he made sure he had a clear view of Thea and Killian who were joint at the hip which he didn't like very much. Will who had gone for another round of drink joined him soon enough and couldn't help but notice Atlas still had his eyes on his sister.

"Are you going to relax and enjoy the party?"

"I didn't come for the party."

"You don't say." Will sipped on his drink,

Atlas glanced at Will at the tone of his voice to find him smiling. Will shook his head and turned away from Atlas.

"Your sister is lucky but I can't help feeling sorry for her."

"Why is that?"

"Hmm, have you met her brother?" Will looked at him, "He's really protective."

"Ok?" Atlas said, "So, why do you feel sorry for her?"

Will frowned which soon turned to a smile when he saw the smile on Atlas' face. At least he knew what he was getting at.

"I don't want her to get hurt."

"Which is great but don't go so far with it that you end up hurting her." Will regretted it the second it left his mouth, "And it is none of my business. She's your sister."

Atlas who had turned to look at Will while he was speaking nodded his head and shifted his gaze back to his sister.
"You're right." Atlas sighed, "It is none of your business."

Will nodded his head slowly and precisely for a moment before he smacked his lips,
"Yup!" He said popping the 'p'.

"Well then," Will pushed away from the wall, "If you're going to stand there all night and brood, I might as well enjoy the party for the both of us."

"Have fun." Atlas said with no care about what Will was going to do or not do.

"Your brother's had his eyes on us since he came." Killian leaned in and whispered into Thea's ear.

Thea nodded when he pulled back to look at her face,
"He's not used to seeing me with anyone other than my girlfriends back home."

"I don't think he likes me very much."

"Oh no, don't say that," Thea frowned, "He doesn't like you at all."

Killian frowned and Thea immediately began laughing which made Killian sigh slowly.
"You. Are. A pain. In my behind."

He wrapped his arms around her waist, smiling lovingly at her as she stared up at him, smiling.
"I'd rather be the pleasure. Anywhere."

Killian exhaled before he leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead keeping his lips there, he whispered,
"You are."

Thea never knew she could be as happy as she was, but she was and it felt almost surreal. She leaned into him and whispered in his chest,
"I need another drink."

Killian opened his mouth to tell her she'd drank enough for the night but closed his mouth just as quickly as he opened it. He didn't want to tell her what she could or couldn't do.
"How about I get you a bottle of water, instead."

He looked down at her as she pulled back to look at him and nodded. That made him smile.

He placed a quick kiss on the top of her head,
"I'll be right back."

He turned around and headed back to the house with Thea watching him leave, smiling to herself. She turned around breathing in the night air as she scanned the party. She caught sight of Makenna with the girls she'd seen her with earlier and three other guys. Thea's gaze shifted when she caught sight of movement in her periphery and saw a guy smiling at her as he approached her. She figured she was better off with Makenna than standing there alone while she waited for Killian.

Without wasting time, she turned in the opposite direction and headed towards Makenna and the group.

Atlas sipped on his drink as Killian approached him.
"She doesn't know what she's getting into."

Killian who'd just walked past him about to enter the house stopped mid-step.

"She doesn't know what she's in for."

"What does that mean?"

"It means she's new to all of this and she doesn't know how hard it would be when it ends."

"When?" Killian was confused, "What makes you think it's a when and not an if."

"Because you guys are just starting out. You still have a couple of years ahead before you both decide you want different things in life." Atlas said, "It's better to just end things now, it'll be much easier to deal with the break now than later on."

"I appreciate you looking out for her as her brother but it's me and Thea in this relationship and we get to decide what's good for us."

Atlas pushed away from the wall and turned to look at Killian with so much seriousness that Killian lifted his chin a little higher to try and match his gaze.

"It's like you said, I'm her brother, and I know what she needs."

"Do you want to test that theory?"

Hey guys,

I'm not sure if you all subscribe to my youtube channel, but I released a song early this year that is inspired by Broken. There's no surprise that I found it relatable because Makenna's 'Little Angels' mantra is one of the little pieces of me that I embedded into her character.

I hope you give it a listen and let me know what you think about it. Thank you!

Jane Lanett.

P.S.: I graduated college last year but my convocation was two days ago. I'll be releasing a vlog on youtube next Saturday about the whole event. So, please subscribe.

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