Chapter 76

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Atlas was hot on her heels as Makenna headed towards the main house where the party was thick.

"Makenna." Atlas caught up with her and grabbed her arm to stop her and immediately knew it was the wrong move,

"Don't manhandle me." She glared at him and he knew the moment they just had was long forgotten,

The people nearby watched them curiously, some whispering.

Atlas ignored them and looked at her,
"Please." He said, "Let's get some ice for your hand."

"Let it go." Makenna said before she spun around and headed inside.

Atlas stood there watching as people stepped away from her. Clearly, everyone at the party had caught up with what went down earlier. Atlas headed towards the kitchen to get some ice. He couldn't help thinking about how all of this had started out. How Makenna had actually threatened to hurt Thea if he did anything to hurt Killian. And here they were. She had actually protected his sister. Talk about a one-eighty.

Atlas got the ice and went in search of her. As he stepped out of the backyard, he saw her heading towards Thea who was laughing with Will and Vanessa.

Makenna smiled to herself when she saw Thea laughing with Will and Vanessa.
"Hey," She looked at Vanessa, "You made it."

"I did." Vanessa said as Thea walked into her arms.

Makenna was surprised by the display of affection. She noticed the worried look Vanessa gave Will.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Thea said like a mantra as she hugged her tighter,

Makenna put her hands around Thea and for a moment it felt like she was holding Rachel. Makenna clenched her jaw.
"You're welcome."

Thea pulled back and smiled through the tears in her eyes and Makenna had to swallow the lump in her own throat.

"Are you going to be ok?"

Thea nodded,

"Thank you." They heard and turned to the side to find Atlas looking at Will.

"Anytime." Will said,

Atlas looked at Thea and she immediately went into his arms. He looked at Makenna and handed her the ice pack. Makenna glared at him but took it and placed it on her knuckles. He watched her, wanting to be the one to help but he placed his arms around his sister instead.

"Do you want to press charges?" He asked Thea,

Thea pulled back and looked at him with a frown,
"No." She shook her head, "What good will that do?"

"He needs to pay for what he did." Atlas said,

"Mac took care of that," Thea glanced at Mac who ignored them and pretended they weren't having a conversation, "Besides what would I tell the cops? He tried to molest me?"

"He did molest you."

"Technically, he didn't."

"You could at least report it."

"No point in that. Nothing happened." Thea looked away from Atlas,

"There were witnesses." Vanessa said and they all looked at her, "It may hold up may not."

"See?" Thea said,

Atlas looked at her,
"She said may."

"Or may not." Thea said,

"But it is good to have something on file." Makenna told Thea,

"Yea, this doesn't seem to be the first or second time he's done something like this. Probably would not be his last." Vanessa said,

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