Chapter 62

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Fifteen minutes later, Thea grabbed her bag from her desk and went to say goodnight to the manager.

"I'm heading out."

Her manager turned around to look at her with a smile,
"Thank you for staying back, Thea. I couldn't have gotten through all of that without you."

"That's what I'm here for." Thea smiled, "Goodnight."


Thea headed out of the museum. She had noticed Killian leaving after she'd sent him an apology glance. So, she knew he wasn't mad but he probably had somewhere else he had to be. She manoeuvred her handbag in a certain way that she was able to put on her jacket while she kept heading out of the museum.

She spotted the security guard that seemed to be clocking in for his shift,
"Goodnight, Gordon." She smiled at him,

He looked up at her and smiled,
"Night, Thea." He gave her a curt nod as she pushed through the door.

Thea turned and headed towards her dorm. She looked up and saw a figure leaning against the wall and smiled.

"Hey, wait up."

Thea's smile fell as she turned around to see who called out. The person jogged closer and soon came into the light.

"Hi, again."

Thea realized it was the guy from earlier. The one who had blocked her path and asked for a tour.

"Hi?" She said unsure what he wanted,

"We met earlier."

"Yea. I remember you."

"I'm Victor."

"Ok." Thea wasn't sure what he was doing jogging after her in the car park.

He scoffed,
"You're Thea, right?"

"How do you know that?"

"Oh, you had your name tag on."

Of course.
She thought.

"Where are you headed? I can give you a ride."

"That wouldn't be necessary."

Thea looked behind to find Killian moving closer.

Killian had turned when some shouted across the car park. He turned to find some random guy heading up to Thea. He hadn't realized she was out and immediately pushed away from the wall to head towards her. He had gotten most of their conversation and had stopped it just in time.

The guy glanced at him and back at Thea,
"You know this guy?"

Thea smiled at Killian before she looked at 'Victor'.
"This guy is my boyfriend."

"Oh." Victor didn't look too happy about the news. "Your loss."

"Excuse me?" Thea didn't expect that,

"I just mean you would be better off if you were with me."

Killian took a step forward but Thea looped her arm through his,
"Not with that attitude." Thea said, "Goodnight, Theodore."

Thea turned around, with Killian holding back a laugh, and walked away.

"It's Victor." He called as they left him standing there.

Killian looked down at Thea, his laugh had died down to a smile,

Thea looked up at him and smiled like that hadn't just happened,

"For a second back there, I thought you were my sister."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just that I haven't seen you get like that."

"What? You mean protective?" She took the brown bag from him and opened it up, "No one talks to my boyfriend like that."

Thea took a bite of her doughnut as Killian looked at her in admiration,
"I'm supposed to protect you."

"No. I didn't sign up for that." She looked at him as she chewed, "We protect each other."

Killian took a deep breath and sighed heavily,
"I can get behind that. When it doesn't put you in danger."

"Define 'danger'."

"Getting your behind kicked."

Thea took another bite as she thought about that,
"I doubt any 'Theodore' in their right mind would try that."

"It could be a 'Theodora'."

"Then I can see myself taking them on."

Killian laughed softly,
"You are a total badarse right now."

Thea grinned as she looked up at him. She placed a quick kiss on his lips.

"I think you should stop hanging out with my sister."

Thea laughed as they walked into the night. Her laughter died down and she waited for a beat.
"Yea...not a chance."

Saturday evening came and Makenna was getting uncomfortable. Being at the party was already tethering close to the edge for her, but it was their current conversation that pushed her over the edge.

How did we end up here?
She asked herself as she tried to mute all of them in her head.

"Right Mac?"

But it was impossible.

Makenna looked up at Lexi, and nodded even though she had no idea what the question was.

"See?" Lexi beamed as she looked at everyone else, "She's ready to start dating. Or continue."

Wait, what?

Brandon's gaze shifted to focus on Makenna as she kept getting dragged into something she didn't even know she was getting dragged into.

"That's the spirit." Hee smiled,

"I don't..." Makenna began,

"What about you Lexi?" Collin interrupted, as Makenna's unfinished words got stuck in her throat.

"Oh, I date." Lexi smirked, "You just don't know it."

"Oh." Collin looked dejected but no one seemed to notice,

Makenna looked at her full cup,
"I'm going to get a refill."

She was safer anywhere else. She left just as Kent was about to direct a question her way.

When she was away from them, she let out a soft exhale. She headed to the other side of the party where the games, drinks and snacks were stationed.

Her gaze went to the groups that were playing beer pong just as one of the groups cheered in victory. She caught the victor's gaze and she saw when familiarity set in.

"Mac." The guy said as he made his way to her,

He looked familiar but she couldn't remember how.


They both looked at each other in silence then he smiled,
"You don't remember me, do you?"

She felt somewhat bad but not entirely,
"Not a clue."

"Atlas' friend."

It hit her then.

She fought the urge to look around the room for him.

"Don't worry, he's not here."

Needless to say, she lost that battle.
"I'm not worried."

"Will, c'mon." One of the two girls on his side of the table called him.

"See you around, Mac."

First, the conversation about her dating life and now, being reminded about the person she was trying to push away from her life before he could step foot inside. Her entire night had been a downward slope and the only way it could get better was if she left. So, she placed her cup down at the first place she came across and did just that.

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