Chapter 25

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Killian had met with Thea outside her dorm early that afternoon and they'd walked to Wright Park hand in hand which was a few minutes away. On their way, they'd gotten a drink each and snacks that they'd eaten on their way to the park. Making a trip around, they approached the bridge and their pace slowed and finally came to a stop when they got to the centre of the bridge looking out to the pond on their left and the Trilogy Statue on their right.

Thea sighed as she placed her hands on the railing making Killian look at her.

"What's the matter, Thea?" He asked for the second time that day,

Thea took a deep breath before she turned to look at him.

"Does this have anything to do with your walk with your brother last night?"

Thea stared at him for a moment before she nodded and looked away,
"I didn't think too much about the conversation last night but now, there's a tiny part of me that senses that Atlas doesn't want me to be with you, or you with me."

Killian figured it was the either and both, as long as they weren't together, Atlas would be pleased regardless. He hadn't wanted to disclose any of it to Thea and now Atlas had gone ahead to reveal it himself and it surprised him that her brother wasn't even trying to hide it.

Thea sighed and shook her head,
"I know him and he wouldn't want to ruin my happiness."

"But he would also do anything to prevent you from getting heartbroken over a guy."

Thea glanced at him for a moment before turning back to the ducks in the pond,
"Atlas is protective, yes but he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize us."

Killian saw the look that flickered on her face. He knew a part of her didn't believe what she was saying and he hated to see her in so much distress over her brother,

Killian took one of her hands from the railing and turned her to him. Thea let out an inaudible breath as she faced Killian and looked up into his eyes,
"Your brother loves you." Killian put his other hand on her waist and she placed her other hand on his arm, "And so do I."

Thea smiled feeling those negative feelings dissipate and a new one bubbling to the surface.

"All that should matter is we would both do anything to protect you from others and from ourselves if necessary."

Thea lifted her hand from his arm and placed it on the side of his face as they gazed at each other,
"I love you too."

Killian felt his heart stop as he went back over what he had said and realized he'd told her he loved her without even realizing it. They both knew their feelings for each other were strong but they'd never voiced them out before.

Thea smiled when she saw the look on his face which made it obvious that he hadn't even realized he'd told her he loved her,
"Or do you want to take it back?"

"God, no!" He was quick to reply which made Thea giggle.

Killian took a sharp breath in at the sound of her laugh and he smiled,
"I love you, Thea Zervas."

Thea felt her heart soar,
"I love you, Killian Adams."

Killian felt the urge to kiss her at that moment and he leaned in slowly making Thea's heart hammer in her chest as he closed the distance between them. When he was close enough, her eyes closed and she held her breath and waited for the contact. Killian swallowed and placed his lips at the corner of her mouth as his grip on her waist tightened trying to stop himself from shifting his lips to meet hers. Then he pulled away slowly, jaw clenching as he took a step back.

Thea opened her eyes, confused and looked up at him to find his gaze staring down at the space between them. She smiled secretly to herself at how if it would've been a few months before, she would've already figured he didn't want to kiss her but she knew him now and Killian wanted to kiss her but he didn't want to do it without her permission. But what he didn't know was just how badly she wanted to kiss him.

Thea's hand fell to his chest as she grabbed a fist full of the front of his shirt. Killian's gaze lifted to meet hers in confusion but before he could react, Thea had pulled him to her and put her lips on his. It was barely a second before Killian responded as well as took over making Thea's head spin as she reached up and grabbed onto his shoulders for support.

They finally pulled away, lips parted and they both took a deep breath smiling at each other with their foreheads touching.


Killian laughed as he pulled back to look at her,
"Was it that long?"

"It felt like forever."

"If I had known you wanted me to, I would've done so a long time ago."

Thea shook her head,
"Right now is perfect. I wouldn't wish for anything to change."

"Good." Killian leaned in a placed another quick kiss on her lips,

Thea blushed,
"Now you're being too obvious."

Killian laughed,
"You started it and now I can't stop."

Thea giggled and looked up at him through her lashes.

"Come here." Killian pulled her to him and put his arms around her,

Thea sighed as she closed her eyes. She felt safe. She felt loved. She felt like she'd never felt before and it was perfect.


Hey guys,

Just a quick check-in to see how you're all doing. I want to thank you for reaching this far in the story and I can't wait to bring you more updates.

Love you muchly,


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