Chapter 89

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Later in the evening the following day, Makenna walked into the convenience store and glanced at the counter to find the young man who all but accused her of stealing a while ago. She ignored him, just for that moment, and made her way down the aisle where she needed things from. Her last stash which she got for assessment week had run out over the weekend and she had been craving something sweet and spicy all day. No surprise when she got back to her dorm after class to find that it was that time of the month.

The phrase "that time of the month" couldn't very well be applicable to her since her periods were irregular. There were times she went months without seeing her period and she'd given up on worrying about it because every professional she went to said it was normal and it would regularize after a while. However, when she did get it, she kind of loved the extra manpower it gave her to have a bad attitude towards everything and everyone. Although she didn't need an excuse to be bitchy, it was nice to have something to blame for her attitude towards life once in a while.

Explore the bitch in you!
That's what everything in her screamed.

Makenna passed a few customers in a few of the aisles as she headed straight to the aisle that had most of the things she needed. Getting there, she took her time accessing her options before she grabbed a few spicy treats. Then heading to the next aisle for some chocolates, she spent some time there as well weighing her options but she ended up going with all the options.

Now isn't the time to make sacrifices.
She thought as she walked to the end of the aisle having one last stop to make before she had to head to the checkout.

Makenna turned and walked down the side of the aisles. When she looked up from the goodies in her hands, she noticed someone familiar on the aisle before the one she was headed to. The person was too caught up trying to decide on the drink to get.

She clenched her jaw as she walked past him,
"Nice face."

The person turned to look at her as she walked away,
"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, sicko." She called softly as she turned down the aisle she was headed to,

"Hey!" She heard footsteps stop behind her.

Makenna stopped and let out a peaceful sigh.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Victor, the idiot called,

Makenna turned and looked him dead straight in the eyes,
"The girl who painted that pretty picture on your face."

The look on his face and anger in his eyes was worth it. But soon it disappeared and he almost looked like he would cry.
"Look," She saw the hesitant look on his face and could hear it in his voice, "I don't know what you think you saw, but nothing happened."

Definitely a lost cause.
Makenna thought.

"I'm telling you that girl asked for it. I wouldn't have...I'm not like that."

Makenna stared at him, not in the least bit shocked by his confession.
"You know I'm not surprised that you would try to deny it." She said, "Guys like you are just sad and lonely it's really pitiful."

She watched as his expression turned from sad to mad in a matter of seconds. He actually looked pissed as he took a few steps towards her like he was trying to overpower her with his petite physique. He was a few inches taller than her but that was all he had going for him.

He stopped right in front of her,
"You better watch it," He said through clenched teeth, "You should feel lucky that I'm not in the habit of beating up girls."

Makenna gasped,
"Now that, I'm surprised by." She nursed her expression, "I don't care what you do in your sorry excuse of a life, but be sure to stay away from my friends or..."

"Or what?" He challenged,

Makenna lifted her chin and stared into his eyes as if to say challenge accepted. With a smile that she was certain made her look absolutely psychotic, she said in a neutral tone,
"Or there won't be anyone strong enough to hold me back as I revamp your face."

It was there, hesitancy in his eyes, but it was quickly covered up with a laugh,
"You're cute." He said, "Just because you got your hands on me once doesn't mean you would again."

Makenna pushed down the anger that was starting to slowly build the more he talked.

"You know, maybe this time it'll be my hands on you." He said 'you' with a move of his head like he was making a play to kiss her lips but changed his mind,

Makenna clenched her jaw tightly.

"I'm sure you would like it there." He smirked, "Tough girls like you are usually the ones that like things kind of rough."

Makenna had forgotten about the goodies in her hands as they slipped out and fell to the floor around their feet. The angry tears blurred her vision slightly and she paid no attention to it as she put her fingers around his neck and squeezed.

"What did you just say?"

His hands immediately grabbed at her wrist and tried to pull her hand away but she held on tighter.

She wasn't caught unaware that he'd tried to pretend like he hadn't been at fault or that he was absolutely unrepentant of his actions. But bragging about it and telling her, to her face, that she looked like a liable person for him to do with as he pleased.

He tried to get away from her as he pulled at her wrist. But she followed and held on tight. With a few backward steps, he bumped into the shelves behind him on the side aisle which left them exposed.

"What did you say?" Makenna enunciated each word through clenched teeth,

"Woah, there." She heard footsteps rush towards her and she felt hands on her shoulders that made her jerk and glare at her assailant.

The look on her assailant's face went from shocked to worried and understanding,
"You have to let him go, Mac." Atlas put his hands up for some reason he wasn't sure of,

Makenna blinked and turned her blurry gaze back to the pervert. She clenched her other hand tightly because she wanted so badly to make him pay for what he did and what he was thinking of doing. But took a steady breath that cleared her head and she quickly let go of him, stepping away before she changed her mind.

Makenna turned and walked back down the aisle she was headed. She bent to pick up her snacks.

"Fucking bitch!"

She heard him curse in a raspy voice but chose to ignore him and walk away. But as she headed towards the checkout, she heard the sound of a fist connecting with something, followed by a cry of pain.

"Watch your fucking mouth."

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