Chapter 20

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Atlas didn't like Killian's challenge one bit and he was about to take Killian up on it but he was shocked by Killian's next words.

"I'm sorry." Killian's head fell after a brief moment of clarity.

It was hard for him to apologize mostly because he knew Thea and he knew she wanted to be in the relationship just as much as he did. He was ready to take Atlas on if he had to just to prove that fact but he didn't want to cause a rift between the siblings.

He felt something wash over him the moment the challenge was out of his mouth, something his mum would call the voice of the holy spirit which she claimed you had to listen to because 'bad things happen if you don't'. She'd told them a story countless times of when she closed the kitchen for the night and went to bed. She'd been so tired and was ready to pass out but then she had a feeling that she had to check that the gas was turned off. Being too tired to get out of bed, she'd ignored the feeling. The next morning, when she stepped into the kitchen to get started on breakfast. She used the gaslighter and the flames came all the way up to her face almost burning her, her hair caught on fire but she'd been quick to get it out.

Their mum had told them about a few more times she'd been too lazy or too stubborn to listen to that voice and although most of them didn't have the repercussions the gas one did, she regretted a lot of those moments wishing she'd done things differently, wishing she'd just listened to that voice and maybe that friendship wouldn't have ended the way it did, or that person had something to eat that day, just more 'what ifs'.

The right things are always hard to do.
Killian thought as he apologized.

Atlas was as confused as to what just happened and why Killian had apologized.

"You're Thea's brother and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize you coming around to accepting that I won't do anything that'll hurt her. Ever."

Atlas knew he meant it and he felt like such a tool. It wasn't that he didn't like Killian, he just didn't like that his sister had gotten herself into something she couldn't control and could be ripped out of her hands without permission. The thought of Thea getting hurt just because something happened to Killian like it did with Emily frightened Atlas. He never wanted to see Thea in that position. Ever. That made him want to keep her from being in a position she could get hurt like he was.

Killian nodded at Atlas and headed the way he was heading when Atlas had stopped him. Atlas looked down, staring at nothing in particular before he shut his eyes and sighed.

He was hurting and he knew it but there was nothing he could do about it except wait for time to numb the pain. Emily didn't deserve what happened to her and no matter what the judge said, or anyone else, except his dad, he was guilty. He was guilty and guilty people needed to be punished but he had no idea how to go about his penance, or what it even was.

Makenna smiled as the rest burst out laughing at Kent's attempt at dancing. Her gaze was fixed on Killian who was talking to Thea's brother and she couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about.

"Please never do that, ever again." Hee pulled Kent close to her,


They all looked up and turned their heads as Thea stopped in front of them.

"Sorry, I don't mean to intrude, I'm just trying to get away from some guy."

Makenna straightened feeling concerned,
"That's fine. You can hang with us."

"Where's your boyfriend?" Lexi asked,

"Oh, he went to get a drink for me." Thea didn't want to mention that it was water because somehow, she thought it would be embarrassing to say that out loud in front of Makenna's friends.

"Here, have mine." Hee handed her a drink, "You'll like this a lot more."

No, she won't.
Makenna thought.

Hee winked at Thea and Thea understood what that meant.

"No, that's ok." Thea smiled sweetly,

Smart girl.
Makenna let out the breath she'd been holding.

"Oh c'mon, just a sip." Hee pushed, "I promise you won't regret it."

"She said 'no'!"

They all turned to Makenna.

"And we know 'no' doesn't always mean 'no'."

Makenna opened her mouth to talk but Lexi beat her to it.

"Uh, I'm sure it does."

Hee huffed,
"Fine." She looked at Thea, "Your loss."

Makenna looked from Hee with an irritated look at Thea who was already looking at her. Makenna smiled a little before she looked away trying to see if she can get Killian to come and get his girlfriend away from her friends.

Thea kept her gaze on Makenna wondering why she was different from the person she'd met a few hours ago. Granted she was quiet just like she'd been at the café but there was something else, something darker like a shadow lurking in the dark you can't see until you turn the lights on.

"How are you enjoying the party?" Lexi asked Thea,

"It's...something, alright." Thea looked around, "Not really my scene but it's nice to step out and try something different."

Makenna kept her ear on Lexi and Thea's conversation with her eyes fixed on the main house searching for Killian in the last place she'd seen him but there was only Atlas. She saw Killian step out of the house just as Collin and Brandon joined in on Levi and Thea's conversation and she tried to catch his eye while he scanned the crowd for Thea. Killian caught her gaze and she gestured towards Thea, his gaze found Thea and he headed towards them.

"You don't go skinny dipping in London?" Collin asked,

"Uhm, I..." Thea was having a hard time with the direction the conversation was taking,


Thea turned her head and almost sighed dramatically when she saw Killian,
"There you are."

Killian went to her side and handed her the cup as he leaned to put his mouth near her ear,
"I thought you'd rather have it in the cup than the bottle."

Thea smiled at him when he pulled away,

"Ugh, I've never seen anyone as cute as the both of you." Lexi smiled at them,

"Excuse me?" Hee interrupted,

Lexi turned to her,
"You guys aren't cute. You're steamy, it gets old quickly."

"I'll take steamy." Kent interjected,

"We should go somewhere else." Killian whispered to Thea as the conversation continued in front of them,

"Let's stay for a while," Thea said,

"I don't think that's such a good idea,"

"Why didn't you want me to mention that Mac is your sister?" Thea whispered so it was just the both of them that heard,

Killian glanced at Makenna,
"It's complicated, but I'll try and explain it as best as I can," He said, "Just not here, not now."

Thea nodded.

Makenna shifted her gaze from Killian and Thea towards the house to Atlas still wondering what he'd spoken to Killian about. She'd gotten a vibe off of him at the café, something that didn't bode well with her. He'd attacked Killian and she wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't something she did to others sometimes. His questions hadn't come off as curious but as a warning of sorts and she hated that he got to her somehow. Everything about him got to her and she hated it. She hated him and his quiet demeanour and sometimes smug self. She hated that every time he looked at her with his piercing blue eyes, it felt like he was seeing right through her, past all the walls she'd built for four years and she didn't like it.

But more importantly, she wouldn't have it.

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