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That same day, Atlas headed to the gym later than usual. He frowned when he spotted Makenna there by herself on a day Thea was supposed to be training with her.

"Atlas, I've been waiting for you," Sean headed towards him, "You ready?"

Atlas looked at Sean,
"I think I'll partner with someone else today." Atlas pointed his thumb towards Makenna,

Sean glanced at her and back at him,
"Are you sure?"

"Yea, she knows about the injury, so she'll go easy."

Sean studied him for a second,
"Alright," He shrugged, "Thanks for letting me off early."

Sean tapped his shoulder twice as he walked away.

Atlas turned his gaze back to Makenna who was having her way with the punching bag. He headed towards her and took his bag off to put his phone inside. He dropped his bag on the way and the action made his phone almost slip through the partially opened zipper.

Makenna had her AirPods in and she couldn't hear anything, but she saw the movement in her periphery which made her stop and shift her gaze.

She experienced a weird jumpstart in her chest.

Makenna took out her AirPods and turned to face him as he stopped beside her.

"Did my sister bail on you for your brother again?"

A smile tugged at her lips because she found it amusing that she seemed to know more about his sister than he did recently.

"No. She's taking an extra shift at work."

"Right. I knew that."

Makenna smiled at the obvious lie and she was rewarded with a smile from him.

"In that case, do you need a partner?"

Makenna raised a brow,
"Do you?" She scanned the rest of the space, "I don't see Sean anymore. Did he bail on you?"

Atlas' gaze roamed her face like he was trying to memorize every inch of her,
"Something like that."

Makenna felt nervous beneath his piercing gaze, it almost made her squirm.
"Fine by me."


Makenna decided not to head into the ring because there were just a few people left in the gym and she doubted anyone else would be coming. So, they weren't taking up space in the padded area that others might need.

"You seem more fluid."

"You think so?"

Makenna nodded,
"Has it been hurting lately?"

"No. Just tight after doing this or my workout."

Makenna got in a jab,

"I know I've probably said this but I just find it really weird that you and my sister have gotten really close."

"You have. And I get it," Makenna said, "I would feel the same way if you and Killian were gym buddies."

Atlas laughed at a picture of that,
"I don't see it happening."

"Yea, well. Neither did I, with Thea."

Atlas felt something unexplainable. It was nice to see Makenna getting along with Thea for some reason. Weird, yes. But happy, definitely. Why? He had no idea. Or maybe he did.

"I guess I understand why you're overprotective." Makenna had no idea why she said that, but it was out of her mouth before she could think it through,

"You do?" Atlas frowned, wondering how and what Thea had been telling her, "What did Thea say?"

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