Chapter 52

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Makenna was having one of those days. The ones everyone has where you feel down but you're not exactly sure what's wrong or what made you feel the way you do. Although Makenna had a lot going on, she tried not to let it get to her most times. But today; today she was trying harder than usual to keep her head above water.

It was one of those days.

Makenna was standing on the other side of the counter staring into space and completely lost in her thoughts as she waited for her drinks. She didn't notice when someone came to stand next to her to order.

"What can I get you?" the female staff behind the counter asked the new customer,

"A chocolate bubble tea, please."

It was then that Makenna snapped out of her reverie.

"Coming right up." The staff tossed a smile the customer's way,

Makenna's gaze shifted from the staff to the new customer who at the same time glanced at her,

"Oh, Mac, Hi."

Makenna shifted from one foot to the other,
"Thea, hey."

Today wasn't going how she planned it. She'd hoped to avoid having a conversation with anyone and everyone which meant she had to stay away from her group and avoid Vanessa throughout the day. That also meant staying away from Metro Coffee which was why she was standing in the Bubble Tea Shop a few blocks from Metro Coffee.

She didn't predict she'd bump into Thea at the Bubble Tea Shop, but there she was looking right at her.

"I didn't know you knew any other place asides from Metro Coffee." Thea said with a smile,

"Well, got to stick with the familiar, right?"

"Oh, I know. Atlas is the complete opposite though. He tries out a new drink every single time."

Makenna blinked at Thea not entirely sure how to answer that. But she thought that was strange. Trying out a different drink every single time.

"I cannot imagine how many times he's regretted it but never said anything."

Makenna smiled,
"I'm guessing he's the adventurous one between the two of you."

"Not quite." Thea said, "I mean if you'd have asked me like five-six months ago, I would have said 'yes, he is' but now I'm not so sure."

Makenna studied Thea as she seemed to get lost for a moment which sparked a flame of curiosity in Makenna as to the story Thea had just willingly started.

Thea caught herself and shook herself as she caught Makenna's stare,
"I'm sorry," Thea replaced her worry lines with a smile, "Don't mind me."

"Where's Killian anyway?" Makenna asked trying to change the topic to make Thea feel less uncomfortable, "Aren't you guys always joined at the hip?"

Thea laughed softly,
"He had to get to his shift."

"Right," Makenna looked away, "You probably know more about him than I do, at this point."

Thea looked worried at that and Makenna's eyes went wide for a nanosecond,
"I didn't mean anything by that, I just...I was stating a fact."

"Oh," Thea looked slightly relieved, "I don't mean to steal him from you."

Makenna almost smiled, her troubles forgotten,
"You didn't," Makenna said, "In fact, you're doing me a favour by being with him."

"How so?" Thea asked,

"Here you go." Makenna got her drink and nodded a 'thank you' to the staff, and turned to face Thea, "Well, I didn't realize how much I had neglected him as his older sister until you came along."

"Why would you think you neglected him?"

"Because I did," Makenna said trying to mind her words so she didn't say anything she couldn't take back, "Not just him, but he's definitely at the top of the list."

"Well, when Killian talks about you, all I see and hear is his love for you."

Makenna felt like a puppet because of the tug she felt in her chest,

She wanted to know the kind of things her brother talked to Thea about her but at the same time, she didn't want to show how that titbit of news made her feel.

"He's just always so sweet and positive like," Thea tried to find the right word and smiled when she found one, "Like a little angel on my shoulder."

Little Angel.
That stuck out to Makenna,

"It's not until he's not next to me that I realize how...naked I feel."

"What do you mean?"

Thea looked at Makenna,
"Believe it or not, Killian is not just my boyfriend, he's the only close friend I have."

"Oh, that's..."

"Not good."

"No, it's not not good, it's just...uh," Makenna paused trying to find a nice way to look at it, "It's good you figured that out early. As much as I love my brother, you can't let a relationship define you a hundred percent. You have to be your own person outside the relationship."

"You're right. What's worse is I've known that for a while, I just haven't let myself tackle it." Thea sighed and looked at Makenna with a smile, "That gives me something to look forward to; making a new friend."

Makenna smiled at Thea just at the same time Thea had another light bulb moment and her eyes went slightly wide,

"How about you?"

Makenna looked lost,

"Yea, can we be friends?"

"Here you go." The staff came by with Thea's bubble tea,

"Thea, I, uh..." Makenna hesitated, "I love talking to you but I'm not really the type of friend you need."

"What do mean the 'type of friend I need'?" Thea asked,

"I would be a bad influence."

"Well, isn't that for me to figure out for myself?"

Makenna sighed inaudibly and grabbed her drink,
"I'm sorry."

Makenna walked past Thea and out of the Bubble Tea Shop in a hurry to get away from Thea.

"You should probably not have any more of your 'brilliant' ideas," Thea said to herself as she picked up her drink and went to find a table.

Makenna couldn't stop her thoughts as she walked away from the Bubble Tea Shop. Rachel was who came to mind and she couldn't help but think of what Rachel would have done in that situation.

There was no doubt in her mind that Rachel of former Makenna would have been happy to make new friends and just be there for someone. That made Makenna stop in her tracks and sigh heavily.

Makenna shut her eyes,
"I am seriously going to regret this."

Thea sipped on her drink and paid no attention to anyone or anything until a shadow came over her that made her look up.

"No personal questions. No digging in my past."

Thea smiled up at Makenna,

Makenna took the seat across from Thea.

"So," Thea's smile still remained, "Why don't you want your friends to know that Killian's your brother?"

Oh, she was going to regret this.
Makenna thought.

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