Chapter 82

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"Hey." Thea walked through the door of Atlas' apartment that he held open for her,

"Hey." Atlas's gaze followed her with a frown as he shut the door, "What's up with you?"

Atlas followed Thea to the kitchen and sat at the kitchen island. He watched her rummage through his fridge.

"Nothing." She dragged as she took out a tub of ice cream and closed the fridge before she joined him at the kitchen island,

Atlas watched her suspiciously,
"You seem to be in a good mood."

Thea looked up at him, her hand slowing as she frowned,
"Why? Do you want me not to be?"

"No. No." Atlas rushed, "I just...I'm happy to see you this way." He smiled,

Thea smiled slowly,
"Well, I just left Killian. It's thanks to him."

"No, don't do that." Atlas shook his head in disapproval,

Thea looked at him, concerned,
"Do what?"

"Base your happiness on someone who isn't you." Atlas looked her dead in the eye,

Thea blinked and stared at him as the silence stretched,
"Is that what you did with Emily?" She said quietly,

Atlas was gobsmacked as soon as it left her mouth. Thea wasn't one to breach things that weren't meant to be talked about. Yes, they hadn't verbally agreed not to talk about it, but it was one of those unspoken understandings.

Atlas blinked a few times, as the shock started to wear off. He clenched his jaw and looked away from her, unable to answer.
"No." He replied honestly, not able to get the rest of the truth out without choking on his words.

When he looked at Thea, she still had her gaze on him,
"You're going to have to talk about it sometime."

No. I have to deal with it. Not talk about it.
Atlas thought,

Thea went back to eating her ice cream,
"And I think you're wrong."


"Not basing my happiness on someone else." She looked from her ice cream to him, "Killian said something earlier about my tendency to see the good in every situation."

Atlas smiled to himself, knowing how true that was.

"I think being happy because of someone else, and choosing to see the good rather than the bad are pretty great ways to do life." She licked the ice cream off the spoon, "If I did the opposite, I'll be a recluse who's bitter about the world. That's not how I want to live life."

Atlas shook his head as he watched her,
"When did you get so wise?"

Thea shrugged,
"Somewhere between you chasing away all the boys and basically raising me."

How far they had come from the little kids they were to this moment.
Atlas thought.

"How's Mac?" Thea interrupted his thoughts,

"Uh, she's fine, I guess."

Thea looked at him,
"You did see her earlier, right?"

"Yea." Atlas nodded, "That's why I need to talk to you."

Thea frowned,
"About Mac?"


"You already made yourself pretty clear on where you stand with me hanging out with her."

"Not exactly." Atlas stopped her, "But, I asked her to help you."

Thea paused and stared at him,
"I wasn't aware I needed helping."

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