Pitchforks Away!

227 11 25

I'm sorry!! (Begs dramatically for life).

The second I finished writing the Epilogue early in June, I could just picture all your faces staring at your screen like: I'm sorry, did I miss the post-epilogue or the rest of the story?

If you remember, at the start of Broken, I mentioned that Makenna and Atlas would be with us for a long time. You all didn't figure it out because you hadn't read the Epilogue. Now that you have, I can tell that all of you have put two and two together and gotten a sequel.

Oh my goodness! I'm so relieved that it's finally out! It has been on the tip of my tongue to come out and tell you guys that the new story I've been working on is actually the sequel to Broken. I've been dropping hints on my Instagram and tried to reel it in while filming my YouTube vlogs. I've even had to edit out places where I mistakenly said it. Now it's out and I no longer have to keep it a secret (dances happily).

If you're keeping up with this, drop a quick dance emoji here in the comment to let me know how excited you are. That's alright if you aren't as excited as I am. But it feels really good to be able to freely talk about it with you guys now.

I've been working hard on the continuation of Makenna and Atlas' story since July and there have been good months and bad months. I set deadlines and goals for myself in regard to writing and there were months I didn't meet my quota and that's because a lot has been happening in my personal life (again if you keep up with my YouTube vlogs, then you know). This was one of the reasons I had to leave the Wattpad Ambassadors' team. Tough call, but I needed to clear some of the things that were on my plate.

Yes, you're getting another trailer for the sequel this year and I just put most of it together last month. I'm looking forward to sharing the trailer, the title, the book cover (and who designed it), the release date, and more with you. That brings us more to discuss till then, what do you think the title of the sequel would be, and do you guys have a ship name for them?

I haven't thought about a ship name for them before, but I just gave it a thought and came up with "Atenna" and, of course, "Killea" (like "Imma killea). Haha, let me know what you guys come up with so we can start referring to them by their ship names in the sequel.

Again, oh my goodness, this is a weight off my shoulders to share this with you. I would love to know what you thought about Broken here in the comment. This is my first story where I've bared my soul and have stayed true to my voice which is new for me since I started writing on Wattpad. While I can't think of anything I would change, I want you guys to rant about anything in the story that stood out to you, that you would have done differently, and really, anything about the story. I'll be replying to everyone.

Also, I checked the demographics recently and noticed that Broken has reached new places. So, I'm dropping all of the countries where my current Broken readers are from. Drop an emoji where you spot your country.




















South Africa

Sri Lanka



United States of America

United Kingdom


Alright, wow. I didn't even know a couple of these countries existed. But this is seriously crazy to know that you guys are out there scrolling on your devices to read my story. It's weird but somehow makes me feel closer to you. Truly, thank you for making it this far. I cannot wait till next time, not too far along now, and I'll see you guys back here for the reveal and release date.

In case I didn't mention it, I love you guys and I'm very very thankful to have you along on the rest of the journey. Lots of love and long, warm hugs.

Your biggest fan (cause I love you),

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