Chapter 65

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Atlas wondered if he had heard right.

Did Makenna just ask for help?

"I'm sorry, what?"

Makenna had the urge to roll her eyes and it took everything she had not to give into it,
"You clearly know what's wrong," She said, "So, why don't you help?"

"You didn't ask."

"And you're the type to wait around before someone does?"

They both clearly knew the answer to that, so he chose to say nothing.

Atlas pushed off the tree, uncrossing his leg,
"It's not something I can fix."

The blinker being on when the car wasn't running was due to electrical issues. Even with recharging the batteries, the problem would persist if the real issue wasn't fixed. So, he couldn't do anything.

"You should call Big Henry."

Makenna knew who Big Henry was, so she slammed the car door shut mentally berating Killian for skipping the regular car service. She took out her phone from the pocket of her jeans and dialled Big Henry's garage. When he didn't pick up after three rings, it dawned on her that it was a Sunday.

Of course.

She hung up and reluctantly slid her phone back into her pocket.

Atlas already knew Big Henry was going to be unreachable on a Sunday.
"Need a ride?"

Makenna looked at Atlas.

If she wanted to get a cab, she would have to head to the junction which was over a five-minute walk. The rain wasn't exactly an ideal weather for her to walk. She didn't like it, but she was glad she didn't have to ask him for a ride.


Atlas wordlessly headed to his motorbike with Makenna behind. She studied him as she slid her hands into the pocket of her hoodie where her book and Airpod were.

Makenna needed to make sure he wasn't going to be back at her 'hideout', as he called it. They hadn't finished that conversation and she hated not knowing if he was going to pop up again. If she didn't put a lid on it, she wouldn't be able to relax the next time she came out here, even if she was.

"You won't be coming by here again?" She framed it as a question because the few times she'd been in a conversation with him had made her realize that Atlas didn't do well with being told what to do.

Atlas smiled to himself, glad she wasn't able to see the amused look on his face. He was enjoying this way more than he should.
"Why wouldn't I? It's a beautiful spot."

Makenna was starting to panic,
"You can't."

Atlas stopped when he reached his motorcycle,
"Do tell me why."

Makenna grasped at untrue reasons he couldn't come here but none were solid, only the truth was.

"Go on." Atlas waited patiently as he watched her struggle,

Makenna clenched her jaw, her hands fisted in her pockets,
"Please!" She blurted as a final resort,

Atlas was taken aback but didn't let it show on his face. He was on the verge of asking her to repeat herself just to push her buttons. But he decided against it and thought it was the perfect opportunity to get what he wanted.
"I'll make you a deal."

"For fu...!"

"Your hideout for your friendship."

It was Makenna's turn to be taken aback,
"Are you really cunning me into being friends with you?"

"No, I'm not. It's just a really good deal." Having worked with his dad for a few years, and studying to make business deals like this was paying off,

Makenna's eyes narrow a little bit as if she were trying to understand him,
"What I don't understand is why you want, so badly, for us to be friends."

Because I love fixing people.
Atlas quickly squished that thought before it could sink in,

"Only because you're so against it, Kenna."

He watched as her narrowed eyes widened and threw fiery daggers his way, and he immediately knew what he'd done wrong.

"Never. Call me that."

Atlas had no idea how it slipped it. It just felt so natural to say her name that way that he hadn't thought twice about it.

"I'm sorry, I..." He caught himself before he explained, "It won't happen again."

He quickly turned it around and used it to his advantage,
"If we're friends, I would know not to call you that."

Makenna felt the anger simmer down,
"If we were friends, you'd have gotten a punch in your face."

The corner of Atlas' mouth slowly curved upward into a smirk,
"I don't doubt it."

The spattering of rain filled the silence between them.

Atlas saw she wasn't budging,
"Alright. Maybe being friends is asking too much especially from someone like you."

"Someone like me?" Makenna thought he was pretty smug saying things that riled her up when he wanted to be friends. She was only keeping it all together because it all led back to her needing him to stay away from her 'hideout'.

"Yes. Closed off. Got your guard, and walls up. Defence on high." He gestured with his hand, "Are you always ready to attack?"

Makenna smiled at that,
"Better safe than sorry."

Atlas thought he saw a smile but it was gone before he could make it out. There was a whole story behind that sentence and, oh, how he wanted to explore all the hidden secrets in the hollow walls and the creaking floorboards of her mind.
"Can you at least try being civil with me?"

"This is me being civil."

"Only cause you want something from me."

Makenna swallowed the curse words she wanted to hurl at him. She could see he was enjoying this far more than he should be and she hated it.
"This conversation has been dragged out long enough."

"It's progress." He smiled,

"It's torture."

A soft chuckle escaped him,
"Hop on."

Makenna watched and waited for Atlas to hop onto his bike. Atlas paused and looked at her,
"Are you coming?"

Her chest fell as an inaudible sigh escaped her. She took the last few steps towards him and his bike. Tentatively, she placed her hand on his shoulder as she hopped onto his bike. Atlas smiled to himself knowing how uncomfortable this was for her.

Without a word, he turned the engine on and rode off in the rain.

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