Chapter 41

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Atlas headed south from the dock at Point Defiance, he took highway 163 and reached the intersection. He took the right turn because the left would've taken him back to the University. Atlas headed down 6th Avenue taking the main road till the end and stopped when he got to the docks. He parked his motorbike and hopped off. He took out his phone and pulled up the map app trying to figure out where he was.

He was not far away from Titlow park and there was a bar and grill near him. He headed in the direction of the bar and grill and stood right in front of it less than a minute later.

Boathouse 19.
He read the name of the bar and grill as he headed inside, locking his phone and slipping it into his pocket.

Atlas pulled the glass door and stepped to the side, holding it open for the few girls that were on their way out. A few of them smiled at him in gratitude, one murmured a 'thank you' and he nodded in acknowledgement before he headed inside, the door shutting behind him.

One of the waiters told him to grab a seat which he did. He picked up the laminated menu which was on the table and read through it and decided what he was going to have. The waiter came at the perfect time and he placed his order and leaned back into the seat scanning his new environment.

Asides from the quiet chatter around him, it was absolutely peaceful, almost serene. Three of the walls were glass and the fourth was where the counter was, he guessed the kitchen was behind there.

Atlas inhaled slowly and exhaled softly trying to breathe in as deep as he could to relieve the permanent ache inside him. But the shrill of his phone pierced right through that, yanking him back to earth. He reached for his phone and answered when he saw the caller's ID.

"Hey, Thee."

"I just heard," She said without acknowledging his 'hello', "What happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, Killian told me Mac is sort of mad at him for not showing up yesterday," Thea said, "Mac says it's all fine though."

Atlas frowned,
"That doesn't sound like she's mad."

"Oh, when a lady says 'she's fine', she isn't. It's best you learn that now to save yourself a lifetime of disagreements."

"Uh," Atlas hesitated, "Thank you?"

"You're welcome." Thea said, "So, what happened?"

Atlas thought back to the talk he had with Makenna,
"Well, hmm, she's definitely black and white."

"What does that mean?"

"It means she's exactly who she is, nothing beyond what she gives off."

"Then she's just very good at hiding it."

"Why are you so certain?"

"Because everyone has something to hide or something they'd like to just keep to themselves."

"Some people are straight as an arrow."

"Well, then they sound absolutely boring." Thea said, "It's much more fun to meet someone new and learn about all that they are; their different personalities and mood."

"I guess you're right, but straight is easy; no surprises."

If everyone was who they claimed to be on the outside that they were on the inside, life would be so much easier. Rather than trying to figure out who to trust and who not to trust, everyone becomes dependable and gave it to your straight to avoid surprises – good or bad - down the line.

"I didn't think you liked easy."

Atlas inhaled and exhaled inaudibly as he thought about the night of the accident.
"Maybe I do, now."

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