Chapter 78

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Atlas lay in bed, his arms behind his head as he stared at the ceiling. He'd been up for a long while but hadn't found the will to get out of bed just yet. After the week they just had, he was ready to sleep through the weekend. But last night's event had put a strain on his plans of having a boring and uneventful weekend.

Atlas hadn't been able to stop thinking about how Makenna had protected Thea. He couldn't seem to get that moment out of his head. He also hadn't been able to stop thinking about what happened afterwards. The way she'd gone from wanting to rip that pervert's head off to crumbing and looking absolutely lost and alone. His lips curved into a smile as he remembered the slap.

He would take that slap any day, every day, just so he could hold her and offer her the comfort she so clearly needed.

There was a part of him that ached for how broken she'd looked. The part that understood what that was like. To be completely broken and beyond repair, and somehow manage to live with those shattered pieces till it becomes a new normal. But it wasn't normal. There was nothing normal about learning to carry burdens from a young age. Burdens that weren't yours to bear.

Children are supposed to enjoy the little luxuries of being just a kid. With absolutely nothing to worry about except getting their chores and assignments done. They're not supposed to learn the struggles of being an adult because of the sins of their parents.

Yet, so many children grow up too quickly because the world is as cruel as it is compassionate. But the older he got, the quicker he realized that the world was more evil than it was good.

In the last six months, it had gotten even worse. The days passed by and each one was gloomier than the last. He was hanging on for dear life all for Thea. Until this.

Seeing Makenna in such a vulnerable state made him feel like he wasn't alone. Like he and Makenna the same boat.

Thea's reference made him smile.
Maybe his sister was right all along.

Atlas glanced at the table for his phone and reached for it. He pulled up Thea in his contact and dialled her number but her number was busy. He was about to send her a quick message when her call came in.

"Hey, I was on a call with Killian."

He ignored that,
"How are you feeling?"

Thea sighed,
"Considering last night's event, I'm alright."

"You don't need to hide from me."

Atlas had walked her back to her dorm when she was ready to go. She insisted that she could make it back by herself, but Atlas wouldn't hear it. Makenna had stayed back with her friends and Makenna's other friend, Vanessa, had left earlier after she got a phone call.

"I'm just glad it wasn't worse."

Looking on the brighter side.
Atlas thought. Thea was always the one shining a light in his darkness.

"Do you have any idea what Mac's dorm room number is?" Atlas had noticed just how close Thea was with Makenna. It was as surprising as it was disturbing. But he figured that was the reason behind Makenna protecting Thea.

Thea's silence was stretched, and Atlas almost thought she didn't hear him,

"I just need to talk to her that's all."

"You're being very vague."

"Do you have it or not?" He didn't think his sister needed to know about Makenna's breakdown.

"I don't." Thea paused, "But, I'll ask Killian."

"Thanks," He said, "I'll come by later to check on you."

"You don't have to."

"I know. I want to."

"I'm fine, Atlas."

Atlas nodded, mostly to himself.
"I know."

He'd been saying he was fine for months. He knew just how fine a person who said they were fine could be.

"I have to go." Thea said, "Got to meet up with Killian in a bit."

"Don't have too much fun."

Thea smiled, glad that Atlas was warming up to Killian. Or rather ignoring the entire thing. Whatever he was doing, she didn't know but she was happy she didn't have to continue defending Killian to Atlas.

Atlas got off the phone with Thea and headed to the bathroom. He freshened up and got ready for what he had planned for the day. By the time he was ready, Thea's message had come in and he was out the door with his phone, wallet, and keys to his motorcycle.

When Atlas arrived outside, he made a last-minute decision and decided to walk. It looked like it was going to be a sunny day and the slight chill in the weather was a perfect balance. He pocketed his keys and made the walk to Makenna's dorm which was about three minutes on his motorcycle. Longer by foot.

Atlas arrived at her dorm ten minutes later and headed inside. He didn't realize how easy it was going to be to get into the dorm, but he was glad. He searched for her room number when he arrived at her floor. He stopped when he found it and thought it was weird that he felt nervous.

She was going to make him regret coming by.

Atlas raised his hands and knocked on the door twice and waited. He waited for a moment and knocked again when no one answered. He waited a few moments and knocked on the door louder for the third time.

"I'm coming."

Just as Atlas realized that the voice didn't sound familiar, the door opened.

"What do you want?" Hee was still deep in sleep with her hair all over the place and eyeliner smeared around her eyelids.

"Hi." Atlas said hesitantly,

"Dude, you woke me up, you best have something better to say than Hi."

"Sorry," Atlas rushed, "I'm here for Makenna."

Hee suddenly snapped out of it and her expression changed from annoyed to amused,
"I know you."

Her gaze ran over him in assessment as Atlas grew impatient,
"I don't know where she is."

Atlas clenched his jaw.
So much for being nervous and worried about her reaction.

"But," Hee continued, getting his attention, "I saw her leaving in her workout clothes pretty fucking early. I don't know why she does that to herself." She said the latter part to herself,

Atlas immediately knew where to go next.
"Thanks." He turned to leave,

"Hey, are you going to leave a name?" Hee called, "I'll let her know you stopped by."

"I'll let her know."

Atlas headed out of the dorm and made his way to the gym hoping that's where she was. He passed by Metro Coffee on the way and decided to grab something as he'd missed breakfast. He was also pretty sure Makenna hadn't had one, so he grabbed something for her as well.

You are walking into unfamiliar territory.
The sensible part of Atlas' mind warned. But he knew he'd crossed that border long before last night.

Maybe he was a sucker for cruelty.

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