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Jo sat at the dining table, looking at her schedule. Everything seemed to be corrected, except for Physical Education.

"P.E? I'm sorry, what?" Jo asked, looking up at Jordan.

"Well they put me in Spanish, instead of French," Jordan sighed.

Although the two were previously at each other's throats, they did what any other sibling would do...just start talking again. There was no verbal apology, it was just understood after Jordan offered Jo some food.

"We actually wanted to talk to you about school anyways," Clark said to Jordan.

"Is that why you brought us here?" Jo asked.

"No, we came here for your father and so I could be around more," Lois explained.

"And to live in a safer place for me to teach you about your powers," Clark continued.

"What do I need to learn?" Jordan asked "so I'm a little stronger,"

"A lot stronger, dumbass," Jo snapped.

"Language...but your sister is right," Clark smiled "you've had an ocular release,"

"Ew, can we not talk about that at the diner table?" Jo looked up at her father in disgust.

Clark sighed and shook his head at his daughter. After doing so, he went back to explaining the school situation to Jordan.

"Jo, we've gotta go," Lois said.

"Yeah," Jo nodded, as she stood up and made her way towards the car.

"Remember, if anyone asks-"

"He's sick," Jon and Jo said in unison.


"Ah...just what I love, school," Jo smiled sarcastically.

Jon shook his head and smiled at his sister. The two began walking into the school, quickly running into Sarah.

"Hi...no Jordan?" Sarah asked.

"He's sick," Jon said quickly.


"Well look who it is...I heard you Kents were moving to town," Sean said, as he made his way over.

Jo starred up at the man that Jon told her about. He wasn't as scary looking as she imagined.

"Let not," Sarah tried to push Sean away.

"You're supposed to be what? Some kind of star quarterback?" Sean looked down at Jo "and who's this? Your cheerleader?"

"We got a stupid one here," Jo nudged her brother and laughed.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, you're stupid," Jo smirked "I mean these are the best insults you've got?"

The group of football players scoffed, as they took off past Jo. Sean intentionally kicked her crutch from under her arm, sending her to the ground.

"Jo," Jon panicked, as he bent down to help her up.

Once she was up, Jon went to reach for Jos crutch. That's when he noticed Tag had already picked it up.

"I'm sorry, about them," Tag said, as he took off after the group.

Jo turned and watched Tag walk down the hallway. She never had anyone be so nice to her at school.

"Hello? Jo," Jon waved his hand in front of her face.

"Sorry, I was just-let's get to class,"


Jo sat out on the field, watching her P.E. class run laps. She was told they wouldn't be able to switch her class for another week, so she was stuck doing nothing.

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