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Freddy and Jo walked through the mall, talking here and there. About halfway through the mall, yells could be heard and Billy came crashing through.

"Freddy! Jo! I need you help!" Billy stammered.

"You can fly?" Freddy asked, seeing him floating.

"Who's the other guy?" Jo pointed to the bald man.

Billy didn't answer, as he backed away from the man. At this moment, Jo realized this man was probably a villain on this Earth.

"You gotta do something," Freddy said.

"Like what?" Jo asked.

"I don't know, use your powers?"

"They're not completely back!"

"Use what you have!"

"A bit of super speed and super strength is not gonna stop that guy...oh maybe my super hearing will!" Jo shook her head a Freddy.

"Fine! Let's just find Billy then," Freddy turned and began shouting Billy's name.

Jo noticed the bald man turn towards Freddy, so she quickly put her hand over his mouth. It was too late however, as the man rushed over to them.

"What are you-" Freddy pulled Jos hand away, to turn and see the man.

"Hello sir...can we help you?" Jo asked nervously.

"I won't let you ready mind. My mind is blank," Freddy snapped.

"I don't need to read your mind because you're gonna tell me...where is he?" The man asked.

"Who?" Jo asked.

"Don't play dumb with me, girl,"

Jo took a deep breath before punching the man in front of her. He went flying back, but he was quick to recover. Making his way towards Jo, the man was quick to grab her and throw her across the mall. Without her powers being fully present, the landing knocked the wind out of Jo and made her groan in pain.

"Jo!" Freddy yelled.

Jo got up as quickly as she could, only to see that Freddy was no long there...neither was the man.


After a short recover time, Jo made her way out of the mall. She tried to listen for Freddy, but she was only getting bits and pieces due to her headache.

"Come on!" Jo yelled, grabbing her hair.

While she did so, her bracelet got wrapped in her hair and pulled off. While it fell to the ground, Jo noticed how it glowed blue. Picking it up, Jo put it back on and ran her fingers over the Kryptonian symbol. As she did so, the bracelet opened up and black suit began to build itself around Jos body. The suit was almost identical to Edges, except for the cape. Besides that, the family crest, the color, and the stitching were the same.

"So that's what a bracelet has to do with my destroyed suit," Jo smiled.

While she stood admiring the suit, she soon caught the voice of Mary. She spoke Freddy's name from the house. Speeding off,  towards the house, Jo seemingly arrived at the same time Billy did.

"Whoa," Freddy said, seeing Jo in her suit.

"Let them go and I'll come inside," Billy said.

"First you come inside and then maybe I'll let them go," The man snapped.

Jo looked at Billy before speeding around to the back of the house and through the back door. When she got in, she made sure that everyone was okay. The man was still caught up in his conversation with Billy, not having noticed Jo. He eventually led Billy through a door, leaving Jo worried.

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