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Jo stood in the new fortress or more specifically Tals fortress. The sand a rock seemed to be less magical compared to the ice.

"So what tech it going to work?" Jo asked.

"Well the tech that allows us to talk to your grandmother," Clark smiled, as the hologram of his mother appeared.

"It's good to see you've been found," Clark's mother, Lara, smiled.

"I wasn't found, I simply came home," Jo smiled back.

"I see. What can I assist you with?"

"We need to figure out who Jos biological parents are. Tal says he's her father, but I want to make sure," Clark sighed "And I want to know how this could even happen,"

Lara nodded, as she looked at Clark. She saw the way his face was a mix between curiosity and fear.

"Whether she is biologically yours or not Clark, she is still your daughter," Lara said.

"And I know that," Clark looked at Jo "I hope you know that too,"

"I do," Jo smiled, as she pulled her father in for a hug "I'm not the emotional or ignorant teen I used to be,"

"Then let's do this,"

Lara nodded, as she began the scan on Jo. By the time it was done, it was confirmed that Jo was Tals daughter. Now they had to piece together what had lead to the mix up.

"What I can do now is unlock memories you never knew you had," Lara explain "memories from the day you were born,"

" I want to experience that day?" Jo asked.

"It's more like watching your memories," Lara chuckled.

"Alright...let's get this over with,"

Lara nodded, as she used the tech to send Jo into her old memories. She even decided to throw in a few of Tals, which were previously analyzed by his father.


Jo looked around at hospital room, wondering if she was where she needed to be. Just as she started to question her surroundings, she heard a woman scream from next to her.

"Get this child out of me!" The woman yelled.

Jo was quick to rush over to the woman, knowing it might be her mother. Doctors began to rush into the room and within minutes, the baby was cut from the woman's body.

"It's a girl!" The nurse cheered "would you like to see her?"

"Don't even bring her near me," The woman hissed "if he refuses to be here with me, I refuse to be a mother alone,"

Jo felt her heart break into pieces, as she looked at her mother. Looking back at the nurse, she noticed as she took the baby out of the room.

"We'll make sure the adoption paperwork was filled out than," The doctor said before leaving.

Jo followed the doctor and nurses out of the room, giving one last look to her mother. She wasn't prepared for this type of emotional damage only one day into being back. Jo eventually stopped walking, as the nurse had placed her in the nursery. She stood there and watched her younger self cry herself to sleep.

"Excuse me!" Edge yelled, catching Jos attention.

Jo spun around, as she saw Edge approaching one of the nurses. She frowned knowing that if he had showed up earlier, her mother would have kept her.

"I'm looking for Lin," Edge said.

"Last name?" The nurse asked.


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