Loyal Subjekts

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Everyone deals with death a little differently. No one person is the same, especially not Jo. Although Taylor had died, just a few days ago, Jo didn't seem bothered. She pushed Taylor's death and everything around it to the deepest parts of her mind. She knew if she didn't forget what happened, she would tear herself apart at the seams.

"Jo!" Lois called from the kitchen.

Getting off her bed, Jo made her way downstairs. She sat at the dining table, as they were going to try and have a nice family dinner...since everything started happening.

"You okay?" Clark asked.

"Yeah, I mean- actually I have a question," Jo looked up at her father.


"Have you every killed anyone...with your powers?"

"I can't say I have...there's always another way," Clark looked towards Lois, concerned.

"Yeah no, I know that...but I mean accidentally,"

"No, I haven't...Jo, is there something you wanna tell us?"

"No, it's just one of my many questions," Jo smiled, as she looked down at her plate "I'm sorry if I killed the mood,"

Clark looked from his daughter, to his wife. When the boys showed up at the table, the topic was changed. However that didn't mean the topic wouldn't come up again.

"So Jo, your father and I have been talking...and your grandpa too," Lois put a smile on her face "we think you should go back to school...public school,"

"What?" Jo looked up at her mother.

"What your mother means to say is, you're are going back to public school," Clark said "you go like normal and then you can go to your internship afterwards,"

"No, no I don't like public school,"

"Well that's too bad because the change has been made and you'll be in your regular classes...starting tomorrow,"

Jo shook her head, as she grabbed her crutch and stood up. She didn't bother fighting because she knew she wouldn't change their mind.


"Guys! The bus is almost here!" Clark yelled up the stairs.

Jo sighed, as she grabbed her bag and began walking downstairs. When she made it to the kitchen, her father gave her a small smile.

"Don't smile at me," Jo snapped.

"You'll be fine, Jo...go make some new friends," Clark said.

"What, so they can lie to me? Yeah, no thanks," Jo walked out of the house.

Jo was followed by her brothers, all of them piling on the bus. By the time they had gotten to school, they had also been joined by Sarah.

"Haven't seen you in a while," Sarah smiled, as they got off the bus.

"Some stuff happened," Jo smiled.

"Oh trust me, I know...that was a crazy night,"

"Yeah," Jo looked over towards her brothers.

While looking, she saw Tegan wave at Jon. She immediately rolled her eyes, as she walked away from the group. This was another part of why she didn't want to come back here.

"Hey! She's not dead!" Corey cheered, as he saw Jo.

Corey's words rung through Jos head, just like when Jon was screaming. This time, the emotion wasn't fear or panic...it was genuine happiness. It wouldn't seem that way to others, as it basically sounded like he was mocking her.

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