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Jo had stepped back into the cave, yet again. It had been five years of constant travel and she was finally ready to head home. She couldn't explain it, but as of right now, she wanted to see her family more than ever.

"Jo?" Freddy said.

Jo spun around, coming face to face with her friend. Both their eyes watered, as they had truly missed one another.

"Hi, Freddy," Jo smiled.

"You-you just left and didn't say a thing! It's been years Jo!" Freddy yelled.

"I know, I-"

"No you don't know! We were worried sick!" Freddy sighed "Victor and Rosa have been wondering what they did wrong,"

Jo stood in front of Freddy, silent. She didn't realize her actions had affected them so much. At most she thought they missed her.

"I'm sorry, but I had to leave...and I didn't think I could with you guy's standing there," Jo sighed.

"I get that Jo, but you didn't even go home!" Freddy snapped.

"How do you know?" Jo rolled her eyes.

"Because I've seen you walk in and out of these doors for five years!" Freddy shook his head "we've all seen you, but none of us are quick enough to stop you,"

Jo look down, feeling slightly guilty for her actions. While she may have been having the time of her life, everyone else was suffering. While Jo stood in silence, she suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her.

"We still missed you though," Freddy said, as he hugged Jo "there's not a day where your name doesn't come up,"

"Don't make me cry, Freddy," Jo wrapped her arms around her friend "is this a bad time to say I'm leaving again?"

Freddy pulled away, as he looked down at Jo. He shook his head and gave her a look concern. Jo stepped back, furrowing her eyebrows.

"What?" Jo asked.

"It's just that I thought you knew," Freddy said.

"Knew what?"

"I mean we figured it's why you had been going through all the different doors and-"

"Tell me Freddy!" Jo grabbed into Freddy's arms.

"Your door is gone and it's been gone since you first left," Freddy winced at Jos tight grip.

Panic rushed through Jos body as she looked back to where her door should have been. Jo had hoped Freddy was joking, but he clearly wasn't.

"I-I need to get home Freddy!" Jo looked back at her friend.

"Okay, I get that...but I'm not sure what you want me to do," Freddy looked at Jo nervously.

"Damn it!" Jo stomped her foot, as she began to think of a solution "is there a S.T.A.R labs on this earth?"

"Yeah, Central City,"

"Perfect...do you wanna come with me or-"

"Why would I say no?"

Jo smiled, as she sped both her and Freddy to the lab. Looking around, Jo noticed how different it was compared to her world.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" A man asked.

Jo and Freddy spun around to see a person who was both robot and human. Freddy's jaw dropped, while Jo only smiled.

"Hi, my name is Jo and this is my friend Freddy," Jo smiled "I am from Earth Prime and I need to get home, but I have no way of doing so,"

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