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One more dinner with her new family, slowly turned into a month's worth and before she knew it...a year. She couldn't bring herself to leave, even if her family was right behind a single door. That being said, Jo knew her family needed her, so she needed to figure out the best way to handle the situation. And who better to talk about her problem with, than the person she knew best...Lois Lane.

"This house looks pretty similar," Jo smiled as she walked up to the Kent farm.

Knocking on the door, Jo came face to face with a orange haired woman. She smiled kindly, knowing that was in fact Lois.

"Hi, I'm looking for Lois Lane," Jo smiled.

"That would be me, can I help you?"

"Well...I need some advice," Jo pushed past Lois and took a seat on the couch.

"I'm sorry, who are you? Get out of my house," Lois followed Jo.

"My names Jo and I'm you daughter on another Earth...but that's besides the point,"

Lois stared Jo down, not believing a word she said. She even contemplated calling Clark just in case.

"Young lady, I suggest you leave," Lois snapped.

"It's fine mom...or other Earth mom?" Jo looked up at Lois "I just need a little advice,"

"Mom?" Lois felt as though her heart stopped at Jos words "how do I know you're telling the truth?"

"I can hear your husband in Metropolis right now...what's his name? Oh right, Superman or should I say Clark,"


"Look I'll be gone if you just help me,"

Lois sighed, as she looked down at the teenager. Shrugging her shoulders, she took a seat across from Jo.

"I'm trusting you, but only because I need to know what's happening here," Lois said "so what's the problem?"

"So I got pulled to this earth by a portal and I really only should've stayed here for a few days and then went home, but I've been here for over a year," Jo explained.

"Do you have a way home?"

"Yeah...there's actually a door,"

"Okay so why haven't you gone back?"

"I keep telling myself it's because of friends here...but I don't think that's it," Jo smiled "I have never felt more free in my life. I'm getting to save lives with my powers, while also living a normal life,"

"And I-your mother doesn't let you do that?"

"No, she's very protective,"

Lois looked down at the ground and then back up at Jo. She couldn't imagine she'd prevent her own child from being as happy as possible, but she could definitely see herself being protective.

"So what do you need from me?" Lois asked "Am I supposed to tell you to stay or go home?"

"Well yeah...what do you think I should do? I could stay, go home...or go to another earth," Jo smiled "there's a bunch of doors in this cave/lair and I-"

Lois searched Jos eyes, looking for an answer. She saw the pain, which sat alongside a sliver of happiness.

"Travel...I think you should travel," Lois smiled "I can see it in your eyes Jo. When you talk about home, it's as if the happiness has been stripped from you. Going to other worlds however, made your face light up,"

"You think I should travel..."

"That's not what you were hoping I'd say, was it?"

"No...what if I enjoy jumping to new earths so much, that I forget to go home...or worse, I never want to go home,"

Lois sighed, as she stood up and made her way over to Jo. Pulling the teen in for a side hug, Lois whispered.

"A person never forgets home and there's always a day when they decide to head back," Lois pulled away "and if that day never comes, then that means that home was never truly home,"


After leaving the Kent farm, Jo found herself staring at the many doors within the cave, including her own. Walking up to her home door, she hovered her hand over the knob. While doing so, another door in the room slowly opened. Nobody exited the room, so Jo curiously made her way over.

"Wow," Jo said, as she looked at the world inside.

Trees covered most of the world behind the door, while a small city sat in the middle. Lights shined brightly, as people danced and laughed. It seemed to be a sort of festival. Looking back and forth between the cave around her and the world inside the door, Jo sighed. Without another thought, she walked through the door and let it slowly close behind her.

"Jo?" Darla called, just as the door shut.

Jos eyes shot open, as if she had finally realized what she was doing. Turning around, Jo realized the door was no longer there. Her heart jumped out of her chest, as she never thought about getting back to the doors.

"Okay, we're fine," Jo whispered, as she looked at the city in front of her.

Walking forward, Jo forgot about her problems and began to enjoy the world around her. In no time, she was no longer worried about getting home. She knew deep down that when it was her time to go home, she would have a way to do so and she was right. When Jo had explored and found herself tired of the new world, another door would appear, taking her back to the cave. Making sure no one was in the cave, Jo would find herself a new door and start her explorations all over again.

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