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The Kent's sat around the dining room table, preparing themselves for the coming funeral. They'd have to face all of their friends, acting as if Jo was not in their presence.

"Won't people recognize Jo?" Jon asked.

"Oh, that reminds me," Clark sped to his room and came back with a pair of glasses "they're like mine, they'll protect your identity,"

"Thanks," Jo grabbed the glasses and put them on "I hate them,"

"Well it's all we got," Lois stood up "let's go,"

"Are you sure your okay?" Clark stopped Lois.

"Yeah...we just need to get this over with,"


To Jo's surprise, the entire town showed up to her funeral. Most notably, Tag was there...someone who she had thought about occasionally over the years.

"Hi, I don't believe we've met," Sarah said, catching Jos attention.

", I'm-" Jo thought for a second "Francine, cousin to the triplets,"

"I'm Sarah," She smiled "I wasn't too close with Jo, but I hear she was a good person,"

"Most of the time...she was a handful though," Jo laughed thinking of how she acted before she left.

"So you two were close then?"

"You could say that," Jo looked over at Tag, who was watching her closely.

"Well if you want to talk while you're in town, I'd love to meet up," Sarah gave Jo her number.

"Sounds good,"

Jo watched Sarah walk away before Clark walked up to her. He informed her that the ceremony was about to start.

"We shouldn't have to do this," Jo said.

"I know, but it's how things played out," Clark sighed.

"Grandpa couldn't whip up some memory erase device?"

"No I couldn't," Sam said, as he walked up behind Jo "and even if I did, how to we explain to people that you're suddenly nineteen?"

Jo smiled at her grandpa, as she pulled him in for a hug. He was one of the few she never met a version of.

"Don't ever disappear like that again, kid," Sam snapped, as he pulled away.

"I know," Jo smiled "let's just get this over with,"


Everyone sat through the ceremony, tears in their eyes. The Kent's especially, as they knew their world was changing in ways they never wanted. Jo was sitting besides them, but nobody knew that and nobody would ever know that.

"Does anyone else have anything they'd like to say?" Sam asked, as he stepped down from making his speech.

"I do," Jo stood up and walked up to the stand.

Her family stared at her puzzled, but nonetheless they were curious as to what she had to say.

"Many of you may not know me, but my name is Francine and I am Jos cousin," Jo gave a weak smile "I wanted to stand up here and say that Jo doesn't want you to mourn her death, but rather she wants you to celebrate her life. While there may be a body ready to bury, Jo still walks with us and she is still a part of this town,"

Jo smiled, as she walked back towards her family. They all smiled at the words she used, knowing nobody else understood.


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