New World

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"Superman has saved the day yet again, but this time he had a little help. Reports show that Batman was also at the scene of the crime, along with Aquaman himself," A woman's voice said.

Jos eyes fluttered open, as she looked at the room around her. It was clear that she was in a hospital, but now the question was, why?

"It seems there was more than one criminal, three to be exact. Each of them happened to have a run in with our beloved hero's, leading them all to Metropolis," Jo looked up at the TV screen.

She analyzed the pictures of the supposed superhero's. The Superman shown was clearly not her father and she had no idea who the other two were.

"You're awake!" A woman said, catching Jos attention.

"Who are you?" Jo looked the woman up and down.

"Oh how rude of me, Rosa," The woman smiled "I'll go get the doctor,"

Jo sighed and threw her head back. She had no energy to move or even think about what had previously happened. That being said, she was almost certain that she was no longer on her Earth. The "new" Superman gave that away.

"You know we thought you were dead when you came in," A man, who was clearly the doctor, said.

"Not a very good doctor then?" Jo snapped.

"On the contrary....can you tell me your name?" The man flashed a light in Jos eyes.

"You first,"

"Dr. Alkin,"

"Jo," Jo squinted her eyes.

"Last name?"

"Hmm...don't know," Jo lied.

Alkin nodded, as he walked over and grabbed Jos chart. Looking it over, he sighed and looked up at Jo.

"Has your leg always been unresponsive?" Alkin asked.

"Yeah, partial paralysis...that obvious?" Jo chuckled.

"That leg hasn't moved once since you've been in and let me tell move a lot in your sleep. My nurse thought you were seizing a few times," Alkin looked over at Rosa "I'll get CPS in here,"

"CPS? No, no I don't-"

"It's okay, you'll be fine," Rosa smiled and walked up to Jo, while Alkin left "I know you've probably been running your entire life, but I think we can change that,"

"I haven't been running...?"

"Of course you haven't, you've just been living...but that's no way to live," Rosa chuckled "when you collapsed in front of our car, we knew almost immediately that you needed help and we're gonna do that,"

"Our? And what do you mean by help?" Jo sat up a little straighter.

"I was with my husband Victor, when you appeared...and we happen to run a foster home,"

Jo sighed, as she threw her head back. A simple trip to go get coffee has basically screwed her. Not only is she stuck on a whole other earth, but she's gonna be stuck in foster care.


"Alright kid, let's make this easy," The social worker, Amanda said "I'll ask you a question, answer honestly,"

"Got it," Jo gave a fake smile.

"First name?"


"Last name?"


" long have you been on the street?"

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