Monkey Dory

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Jo sat in the safe house, listening to Murn go over the mission...well partially listened. Most of her attention was on Adrain. She kept thinking about the night prior and practically all her feelings. She did this every time she was on a new earth...fall in love. It never turned out well because she was always leaving in the end. Her most cherished relationships, gone within seconds of stepping through a door.

"Then why'd you put him there, fat fuck?" Peacemaker yelled, catching Jo's attention.

"Dude I didn't mean to put your father in prison," John sighed.

"Damn, what did I miss?" Jo whispered or thought she did.

"You missed a lot while you were staring at your boyfriend," Harcourt smirked.

"I'm wasn't staring at anyone," Jo snapped.

"Yeah, okay,"

"Fuck you," Jos face went red as she got defensive.

"Excuse me?" Harcourt stood up out of anger.

"I said, fuck you," Jo stood up as well.

Murn watched everything happening at the table. Peacemaker and John fought, while Harcourt and Jo fought.

"Enough!" Murn yelled.

Jo and Harcourt looked at each other before sitting back down. Peacemaker however continued to complain about John.

"Not another word. The point is...the raw amber fluid is potentially processed and bottled at Glan Tai Bottling Company," Murn said.

Jo looked down, not knowing if this would be a straight forward mission or if she'd be here for months. Before Murn was done, Jo stood up and took off towards the truck they were previously in.

"Jo! Wait!" Murn snapped.

"What?" Jo turned around.

"I recommend you don't use your powers too much around there..."

"Why? I could sweep that area in seconds,"

"Just trust me, it's not a good idea. The butterflies don't like Kryptonians,"

"Since when?" Jo furrowed her brows "I was in the presence of one and they did nothing,"

"Yeah? He was trying to off her toe," Adrian nodded, causeing Jo to roll her eyes.

"Your powers were masked...just please don't," Murn said.

Jo noticed how Murn jaw clenched, as if he was angered by Jo. She nodded her head, feeling as though he knew the situation better than her.

"Won't they still sense me?" Jo asked.

"As long as you keep your power usage to a minimum, you'll be fine," Murn said "everyone up, let's finish this,"

Jo watched Murn walk away, his emotions being extremely present in his voice. He was exhausted, angered, and saddened by whatever he was going through.

"Jo we need to go," Harcourt said, grabbing Jo's arm.

"Let go," Jo snapped, her voice pushing Harcourt back.

"What was that?" Murn asked, seeing what she did.

Jo gave Murn a quick glance before heading out towards the truck. She immediately climbed in, not helping any of them put the equipment in the back.

"Can we get help," Adrian sighed "you're like super strong,"

"No," Jo said, not even glancing at Adrian.

"Superhero, no...More like super pissy," Peacemaker snapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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