The Best Of Smallville

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"Mom! I'm leaving!" Jo yelled, as she made it to the door.

"This is the only time you're missing school for this internship, understand?" Clark said, seeing his daughter.

"Yeah no, of course. Grandpa said it was cause I needed training on some stuff," Jo smiled and walked out of the house.

Seeing her grandpas car, she rushed over. Yesterday when she started this whole internship thing, she actually had a lot of fun. Sure she didn't get to see Tag, but Sam said once he was calmer, she could.

"So what was so important for me to miss school?" Jo asked, as she got situated in the car.

"When were you gonna tell me you had powers?" Sam asked.

"What?" Jo looked at her grandpa, panicked.

"I'm not stupid, kid...I saw you yesterday, you stood up without your crutch, at the D.O.D,"

Jo thought back to when she did that and cursed at herself. She was just so indulged in her work, that she totally forgot what she did.

"Okay, you can't tell my parents that I still have these powers," Jo pleaded.

"Still? That doesn't make sense," Sam rose an eyebrow.

"Well I got my powers from a rock, not naturally. And when I got these powers, Jordan seemingly got jealous and angry with I basically lied to everyone and told them my powers were gone, so that Jordan would feel so bad,"

Sam looked over at his granddaughter to see if she was done talking. Giving a small chuckle, he turned his focus back towards the road.

"So you're telling me that you had to lie because your brother was mad about not being the center of attention?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, basically," Jo shrugged

"Well that doesn't matter, okay? I want you to keep these powers a secret, no matter what,"


"When I said you had training today, I meant you had power training. There's this new program the D.O.D is setting up and you're gonna be their first trainee,"


At the D.O.D, Jo was lead to a large warehouse. The building was filled with all types of equipment, all of it foreign to Jo.

"Jo, this is Anderson," Sam introduced.

"Hi," Jo smiled.

"It's good to see our first trainee is a crippled," Anderson rose and eyebrow.

Jo looked down at her crutch and tossed it off to the side. Smiling at Anderson, Jo stood up as straight as possible.

"It's just to hide her powers," Sam explained.

"Well then, let's not waste any time...this team needs to be built," Anderson motioned for Jo to follow.

Jo looked over at her grandpa, who only motioned for her to follow. He stayed behind, as he had other work to do.

"So what's first?" Jo asked.

"I understand your powers are supposed be like Superman's, so we're gonna make sure that's true. Today we'll start with flight training and speed training," Anderson said.

"Yeah, cool...can we start with flight?" Jo smiled brightly.

"No," Anderson walked over towards some equipment "stand on the X,"

Jo followed orders and stood in position. Once she was there, Anderson motioned for another woman to join them.

"This is Taylor, she's a part of our tech department," Anderson said "she'll be running this device,"

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