Man of Steel

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"Jo! We've gotta go!" Jon yelled, as he walked up to Jos room.

Jo stood up, grabbing her backpack and crutch. She followed Jon out of the house, while Jordan stayed home. He apparently got super hearing first, which kicked in last night.

"So you haven't been at school," Jon said, looking at Jo.

"I-I've been there," Jo snapped.

"No, you haven't. I look for you at lunch, everyday, and you haven't been there in a while," Jon rose one eyebrow.

Jo stopped walking and looked at Jon, who had also stopped walking. She looked at him with sad eyes, not wanting to tell, while also wanting to tell him the secret.

"Okay, you know that internship?" Jo asked.

"Yeah," Jon nodded his head.

"Grandpas been picking me up during school to go work on that...I haven't told mom or dad and you're not going to either, okay?"

"Yeah, no...I won't. This internship I pretty important then?" Jon continued walking.

"Yeah, it's fun and it seems like something I want to do with my life," Jo smiled at the memories of training.

"Cool, at least one of us knows,"


When the two reached the school, Jo walked and sat at a bench outside. Jon looked at her questioningly.

"I'm waiting for a friend...we walk to art together," Jo lied, with a smile on her face.

"Okay," Jon nodded his head and walked inside.

Once Jon was gone, Jo began walking towards Anderson car. Before she could get there, Tegan stoped her.

"I haven't seen you in a while," Tegan gave her a hug.

"Medical problems," Jo lied.

"Well I hope you're you wanna hang out tonight?"

"Ye-yeah, sure...just text me,"

Tegan smiled as she walked off to the school. Jos heart flutters as she watched the girl walk away. It was in that moment that her crush on Sarah suddenly disappeared.


Jos training was just like every other day, except today included an activity for every one of her powers. She also got to learn a few more fighting styles. By the time she had gotten home, she was completely drained and ready to go to bed.

"Jo, can you help Jordan...I called you earlier, but you didn't answer," Jon said, as Jo walked through the door.

"Help with what?" Jo asked.

"His super hearing?"

"Right," Jo made her way to Jordan, who was on the couch.

She smiled at him before quickly ripping the soundproof headphones off. Jordan yelled in pain, while covering his earns.

"Jo! What the hell?" Jon panicked.

"He needs to learn how to control it," Jo snapped.

"Like this?" Jon grabbed the headphones out of Jos hands and slipped them back on Jordan.

"It's how I've just gotta deal with the pain!"

"He's not you, Jo!"

Jo threw her hands up and stood up, while doing so, Jordan also stood up and rushed to his room. Immediately, Jo felt bad and sat back down.

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