The Choad Less Traveled

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Once the mission seemed to be officially over, Jo found herself in the back of a truck with a bunch of strangers. While she had been introduced to them, she still didn't fully know anyone...well except for Adrian, who truly over shared during their drive.

"So what's this device on your neck?" Harcourt asked Jo.

"I don't fucking know and if I did, I would've had it off by now," Jo snapped.

"And how are we supposed to help?"

"That's what I'm wondering since little Vigilante over here brought me to you guys,"

"John might be able to do something," Peacemaker said.

"I don't think I'm ever gonna walk again," Adrian announced.

"You'll be fine," Jo snapped.

"Motherfucker cut off half my pinky toe. It's the most important toe there is! I'm not gonna be fine,"

"I don't think that's true,"Adebayo said.

"Yeah it is! You can't walk without it,"

Jo sighed as she put her head in her hands. She needed to be home helping her father, but instead she was listening to a man complain about his toe.

"You alright there, Jo?" Harcourt smirked.

"I'm fucking fantastic,"


After what seemed like forever the group pulled up to a building in which their headquarters was set up. Jo was quick to climb out of the van and enter the building. She took a seat in the closet chair, waiting for the supposed help.

"Help him get Judomaster strapped down and then he'll help you," Murn snapped at Jo.

Sighing, Jo stood up, grabbed her crutch and followed John to the room where Judomaster was being placed. Once he was on the couch, the two strapped him down and hooked him up to an IV. When they were done, Jo found herself sitting in a chair while John fiddled with the device around her neck. Eventually the device was removed and Jo felt herself getting stronger.

"This thing is crazy, it's got seriously advanced electronics inside, but it's also lined with Kryptonite," John said, as he sat down and examined the device.

"Kryptonite?" Murn questioned, looking at Jo.

"What's that?" Adrian questioned, as he limped around the room.

"It's Superman's weakness," Murn walked up to Jo "I wasn't aware there was another Kryptonian on this earth,"

"Well that sucks doesn't it," Jo stood up and took a few steps away from Murn.

"Oh! That's why you told me to watch my mouth when speaking about Superman!" Adrian smiled "is he like your brother or-"

"That doesn't matter,"

"She's right, it doesn't," Murn snapped "Peacemaker, my office,"

Jo watched as Murn glared at Jo before walking into his office. Brushing it off, Jo walked over to Adrian, who had taken a seat. She looked down at him, a smiled on her face.

"You up for that fight?" Jo joked.

"Of course I'm not, I just lost part of my fucking toe," Adrian snapped.

"Calm down, I was just joking," Jo pulled up a chair next to Adrian.

"Did I kill that old man and steal his crutch for nothing?"

"No, I needed it at the time. Thank you,"

"Anytime," Adrian cleared his throat "I will kill anytime you need me too,"

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