Holding The Wrench

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Jo awoke to the sound of screaming downstairs. The screaming being between her mother and grandpa. Nervous, Jo launched out of bed and made her way downstairs. She knew if her mother had found out, things would take a turn for the worst.

"How dare you remove my daughter from school!" Lois yelled "you have no right to do so and you especially have no right to tell the school it's a classified situation! It's an internship dad, how important can it be?"

"Look, I was just doing what was right," Sam tried to explain, without explicitly telling the truth.

"Right? She's fourteen dad and she needs to be in school, I'm gonna need a better explanation that you were doing what was right!"

"I asked him to pull me out of school," Jo lied, as her mother turned towards her.

"Excuse me?"

"I've been having a rough time at school, okay...on top of gaining and losing both powers and a friend, I was being bullied," Jo lied "and I know damn well, if I would've told you, you would've told me I had to stay at this school...so I went behind your back and ask grandpa to enroll me in online school," Jo let out some fake tears.


"And I know it was wrong to lie to you, but damn it...I needed to be happy. And you know what, I have been happy. The D.O.D is great and my online school is awesome. You know the other day when I stepped in front of Tag to save him, I was actually scared of dying because I didn't want to lose the happiness I found," Jo began to bawl her eyes out, although none of it was real.

Lois was quick to walk over and hug her daughter. Sure she was mad at what Jo did, but it seemed as though she needed to understand where she was coming from.

"Look, I don't want to rip you from you happiness," Lois smiled as she pulled away from her daughter.

"So can I continue the online school and the internship?" Jo asked.

"For now, yeah...I'm gonna talk with your father later and see what he has to say,"

Jo nodded her head and smiled at her mother. After that, she went to get ready for her day. A fresh dose of guilt now running through her veins. When she was done, Jo walked downstairs and made her way out towards her grandpas car.

"That was some good acting," Sam snapped.

"Yeah well...it seemed you didn't hide the secret well," Jo snapped back, as she buckled her seatbelt.

"So what do we do now? When the truth does come out, you mother is gonna even more pissed,"

"You don't have to tell me, I already know...but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it,"

"When did you become such a good lier?"

"Really? I faked being happy for a solid three years,"


Jos training proceeded as usual, except today she was left with Taylor. The tech engineer controlled all the devices and monitored Jos vitals.

"I hear the rest of the group will join training soon," Taylor said.

"Oh yeah? And who's the rest of the group?" Jo asked, as she practiced fighting.

"As far as I know, you've got Tag and Jessie...their not sure about he other boy," Taylor smiled "and you'll be their leader,"

"That scares me...but let's be real, Anderson is gonna be controlling the team,"

"Between you and me, he's a control freak,"

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