One Last Time

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"So when you're ready to leave, you press this and jump through the portal," Cyborg explained.

"And you're sure it will work?" Jo asked as she grabbed the small device.

"If it doesn't, then you come back and we'll figure it out,"

"Thank you...and sorry again,"

"It's fine...just don't come back if it works,"

Jo nodded as she rushed out of the lab. When she reached the street, Jo looked down at the device before sighing. She knew she had to go see everyone, as it was the right thing to do.


"Come on guys, we need to go to school!" Darla yelled from inside the house.

Jo smiled, as she stood out on the sidewalk, waiting for everyone to walk out. When they eventually did, Darla took off running, to hug Jo.

"I've missed you!" Darla yelled, tears in her eyes.

"I've missed you too," Jo smiled and looked up at everyone else "What happened to you at Wayne Manor, Freddy.

"You looked like you had the situation under control," Freddy snapped.

"Bold of you to come back," Billy snapped.

"If you guys don't care to see me, I can leave right now," Jo snapped back "I just wanted to see you guys one last time,"

"Don't go, walk me to school," Darla pulled Jo down the street.

Jo happily walked beside Darla, who gripped her hand tightly. Billy and Freddy were quick to catch up and walk besides the two.

"Why don't we skip school?" Billy suggested.

"Oh now you wanna hang out?" Jo scoffed.

"Okay, okay....I'm sorry about that, I was just trying to be tough," Billy sighed "I really missed you though,"

"Hmm," Freddy groaned.

"What does skipping entail?" Jo asked.

"One last superhero run?" Billy smiled.

Jo stopped, as she smiled over at Billy. Before she knew it the group was on the same page.

"Shazam!" Billy and Jo yelled.

"One last run?" Jo asked Freddy and Darla.

"Shazam!" Darla said.

"Freddy?" Billy asked.

"I don't want to 'one last' anything, you two!" Freddy snapped "you shouldn't be leaving again,"

"Don't do this Freddy, I've gotta get home!" Jo snapped "I know it-"

"I'll see you guys at school," Freddy continued walking.

"Shazam!" Darla said "I'll go with Freddy...I'm gonna miss you Jo. Try to get back as soon as you can,"

Jo sighed as she looked at Billy. Walking towards him, she pulled him in for a hug and let out a few tears.

"Maybe I should go early," Jo sighed.

"What about our one last fight?" Billy pulled away and looked at Jo.

"It looks to me like that's not gonna happen...Bye Billy," Jo gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and took off towards an open field.

Pulling out the device, Jo sighed as she looked down at it. It seemed as though she only made her problems worse.

"There's no place like home...I guess?" Jo pressed the button, a breach opening in front of her.

"Jo! Wait!" Freddy yelled, from behind her.

Jo chuckled to herself, as stepped through the breach. If he thought she was gonna wait another moment before heading home, he was wrong.

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