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The next day, Jo sat out on the porch, absorbing the suns rays. It was a pretty long process, but she definitely had the time considering she wasn't able to go to school yet. CPS had yet to work out her paperwork enough to do so. So while everyone went to learn for the day, she sat and did absolutely nothing...that was until Freddy and Billy appeared.

"Are you done eating sun rays?" Billy asked.

Jo opened her eyes and started at the two. Billy was in Shazam form, which made her smile. Clearly he was using the new found ability to age, to get out of school.

"For now," Jo grabbed her crutch and walked down to the two "So what's the plan for today?"

"Umm...to use these awesome powers!" Billy cheered.

"You can't just run around, not knowing how to use them...it's dangerous,"

"Live a little, come on," Freddy smiled.


Jo followed behind the boys, as they walked through the mall. Billy was using his electricity powers to "charge" peoples phone.

"Charged...charged!" Billy said, as she walked through the mall.

"I'm so sorry," Jo said to many people, as she watched their phones fry "he's-he's trying his best,"

After the mall, Jo was drug to a strip club. She was definitely irritated as her and Freddy waited outside for Billy. She didn't know if it was the location he chose or his careless use of his powers.

"You okay?" Freddy asked.

"No, Billy has an amazing gift and he's wasting it here!" Jo snapped "you two might think this is cool, but in my opinion it's not,"

"You know what I think? All you've ever known was using your powers to save people and you've never had a little fun with your powers,"

"Because it's dangerous!" Jo sighed and looked at Freddy "if I went on a free for all with my powers, I could hurt tons of people...I could expose my identity to people. And once my identity gets out there, my family could be in danger,"

"Just a little fun won't hurt,"

"Look I'm gonna head home...when you guys actually want to do some real training, you know where to find me,"


After that conversation, Jo hadn't spoken to Freddy or Billy the rest of that day and into the morning. They thought she was trying to hard to enforce them using Billy's powers safely. So with that being said, Jo kept to herself and sat out int the sun.

"You sit outside a lot," Rosa said, walking onto the porch.

"It's comforting," Jo smiled.

"CPS said their paperwork is almost finished and if things go well, you'd be ready to adopt," Rosa sat next to Jo.

"Yeah...just what I want," Jo sighed.

"Victor and I were talking about taking you in permanently...if that's okay?"

Looking over at Rosa, Jo smiled and nodded. If she was gonna have to live on this Earth, she would rather it be with this family.

"This would be a great home," Jo smiled.

"I'm so glad you think so," Rosa pulled Jo in for a hug.

Once the hug was over, Jo suddenly felt her super hearing kick back in. She heard the screams of a bunch of people, as well as a creaking noise.

"If you'll excuse me...I think I'm gonna go for walk," Jo smiled.

"Of course," Rosa stood up and walked back inside.

Jo quickly stood up, feeling that her leg was no longer paralyzed. Smiling, she took off towards the noise and noticed Billy had caught a bus full of people. Looking around, she noticed Freddy standing near by.

"Freddy...what the hell happened?" Jo asked.

Freddy looked over at Jo, seeing that she was carrying her crutch, instead of using it. He smiled before looking at Billy.

"He was using his lighting to do a little show, but he hit a bus," Freddy explained.

"This is why-"

"I know, we should've listened to you..."

"You're damn right! I mean he could've hurt himself or others...he either needs to train and learn how to use his powers or he needs to stop using the entirely," Jo sighed "he's stressing me out,"

Jo looked over at Billy, who seemed to be walking towards them. He had a wide smile on his face, while Jo and Freddy frowned.

"Guys! I caught a bus with my bare hands!" Billy cheered "like, who does that? I do that!"

"Billy! You do nothing," Freddy snapped "you take selfies and make people pay you...you know what, forget it, I can't look at you like this,"

Freddy turned to walk away, Jo following him. She felt bad because she knew he would kill to have powers, like she did, not to long ago.

"You just wish it was you!" Billy yelled.

"No shit! You know I would kill to have what you have!" Freddy yelled.

Jo sighed as she watched the two fight. It brought her back to when she got jealous over Jordan's powers...she acted almost exactly like Freddy. When the two were finished fighting, Jo walked alongside Freddy.

"He'll hopefully realize he's wrong for what he's doing," Jo smiled.

"I hope so...you know back there, you sounded like how you described your mother," Freddy chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.


"Being overprotective...you are super worried about Billy using his powers in the right way, so that he doesn't hurt anyone. You know your mom is just trying to keep you out of harms way and what you're experiencing now is probably what she's been experiencing every day since you
got powers,"

Jo stopped in her tracks and thought back to everything that her mother said. She also though about what Freddy was currently saying.

"No...I know she's trying to protect me, but that doesn't mean you take away everything your child loves," Jo sighed "she made me quit my training, she had my suit destroyed, and she tried to take away this bracelet I got,"

"A bracelet?" Freddy questioned.

"It came from my uncle...who's a bad guy. Before I disappeared, he was trying to put Kryptonian minds into human minds. Basically he was trying to rebuild Krypton,"

"Wow...that's crazy. So back to your mother, have your tried meeting in the middle? You know like, I stop training if I get to keep the suit?"

"She's not much of a negotiator...it's either her way or the highway,"

Freddy nodded, while he continued to ask Jo questions. Learning about her made him forget about his fight with Billy.

"So how do you think they feel right now?" Freddy asked "what do you think is happening back home?"

"A part of me hopes they are searching, while another part hope they forgot about me," Jo sighed "It's like I want to go home, but I know the adventure will immediately end...all the fun of nobody knowing about my powers and being a normal teenager with get thrown out the window and I'll be treated like a possible threat to the world and myself...by my mom,"

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