O Mother, Where Art Thou?

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Jo walked down the stairs, without her crutch this time. She figured since she no longer needed to hide anything, why keep the crutch around.

"Morning," Clark said with a smile.

"I'm gonna go for a walk and then go to training," Jo snapped, as she grabbed an apple.

"We said, no training," Lois snapped back.

"And who's gonna stop me?" Jo stared at her mother.

"You do realize who your father is, right?"

"Yeah...but I might have a leg up in terms of power," Jo smiled at her father.

"What does that-"

"Look, it doesn't matter...we spoke to your grandfather and the training facility was moved last night. Anderson is running his project in a new location," Clark snapped.

"What? Why are you guys doing this to me?" Jo looked between her parents "what's next...you lock up my new suit?"

"It's being taken apart actually," Lois snapped.

Jos heart broke at what her mother said. That suit was probably the best gift she had ever received and now she'd never get to wear it again.

"Are you guys serious?" Jo asked.

"We don't want you running around and being a superhero, you're too young," Clark sighed.

"This is fucking stupid!"

"Watch your language!" Lois shouted "you know I hate to break it to you, but we don't always get what we want in life...you'll have to deal with this,"

"Oh god, I hate that damn phrase! I'm not asking for the world god damn it...I'm asking for happiness," Jo looked between her parents "it's like you guys are set on ripping it away from me,"

Clark sighed as he looked at his wife. They didn't know what to say, as they watched Jo run out the door.


Jo sat with her brothers at the diner, not talking. She sat there eating and listening to their conversation.

"You okay?" Jordan asked Jo.

"No, I'm not...mom and dad are just- I don't know," Jo sighed.

"Well maybe it's because you act out..."

"Act out? I was learning to use my powers so I didn't hurt anyone. It's like they don't get that. I wasn't running around playing superhero,"

"No, we know...it's just that, maybe for once, listen to them,"

Jo rolled her eyes at Jordan, as she stood up and began walking towards the door. Jordan and Jon called after her, but she didn't listen. As she rushed down the street, she kept her head down. This caused her to run into someone.

"In a hurry, are we?" Morgan Edge asked.

Jo looked up in fear, as her mother told her to stay away from Edge. Jo gave a small smile, while Edge only stared down at the girl.

"I'm sorry," Jo said, as she tried to walk past him.

"Josie? That's your name, correct?"

"Umm...yeah, it is," Jo furrowed her eyebrows "I believe you know my mother,"


"Lois Lane,"

Edge tilted his head, but nodded regardless. Jo stood awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. Eventually she tried to walk away again, but she was again stopped.

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