Broken Trust

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Jo rushed down the stairs, as she wanted to get to training. Although she wanted to find Tag, after he attacked her brother, training seemed to be the only thing she could do. Her grandpa specifically called her and told her not to try and find Tag, as he was "too dangerous,".

"Jo, you go ready quick," Lois pointed out.

"Yeah, I just want to get to school because I have and art project to work on," Jo smiled.

"I can drive you,"

"Yeah, that'd be great,"

Lois was quick to drive Jo to the school, which Jo had no intention of staying at. When the two arrived, Jo smiled at her mom and got out.

"Have fun," Lois smiled.

Jo nodded, closing the door. She watched her mom drive off, which was when she saw Anderson in a black vehicle. When she was sure that her mother couldn't see her, she hopped in his car.

"Was my grandpa busy?" Jo asked.

"The whole rouge speedster thing has been big at the D.O.D,"


Jo started the day with her warms ups, which included the speed/flying training and general push-ups and pull-ups. After that, Anderson led her to another device, which she had never seen.

"Today we'll be doing Frost breath and heat vision," Anderson explained "this device shoots out chunks of ice, which will hit you...unless you melt them,"

"Really?" Jo whined "isn't this overkill?"

"Get ready," Anderson smiled.

Jo got ready, although she had never used heat vision in her life. As expected, at least the first hundred chunks hit Jo. At this point, she wasn't tired or hurting...she was angry.

"This is stupid!" Jo yelled, stomping her foot "I can't do this if I don't know how it works!"

Another chunk of ice came out of the machine, which Jo quickly turned towards. Almost instantly, her heat vision kicked in and she melted the ice. When she saw what she did, she calmed down.

"So anger triggers your powers, interesting," Anderson thought out loud "do it again,"

Jo went on to melting chunks of ice for about another hour. After that, they did some more speed and flight training.

"Can we move on to frost breath?" Jo asked, as she was bored.

"If you want," Anderson walked to yet another device "grab the bucket,"

Jo looked down at the bucket, which was nearly white due to heat. She looked from the red hot bucket to Anderson and rose an eyebrow.

"Use your frost breath and pick it up," Anderson clarified.

Jo rolled her neck and looked down at the bucket. When she first tried, it was nothing but a regular breath. It was almost two hours before she figured out what to do.

"Come on, Jo! Use that anger!" Anderson yelled.

"What anger?" Jo questioned.

"Any anger, I don't care! What made you angry last night?"

Jo thought back to Jordan going out with Sarah and her frost breath immediately kicked in. She quickly cooled down the bucket and picked it up.

"Two hours and sixteen minutes...that's how long you'll be doing laps tomorrow," Anderson smiled.

"No, you're bluffing," Jo sighed.

"No, I'm it's time for some average training,"


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