The studying of "The Hell year AKA 1984"

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(Violet's Pov)

I was researching, Mason was Helping me by sitting next to me looking on the screen, Jayden Was on the other side of me, taking notes, And Dyline was doing nothing but watching videos on his phone. I never wanted Dyline in the super natural Bois In First Place, He's rude, sexist, a bit racist and let me not forget Homophobic! But because Mason insisted, i let him in. But anyway. As i was researching i see something that caught my eye.

Violet: Hey....Look at this "Louise Aprilson "says from an interview that it wasn't his fault he cause a massacre after he hit his daughter's friend's mom's car Maria watson, His mind went a bit his Daughter's friend's voice in his head, like he was possessed. His Daughter's other friend, Liberty Lee Sherman was the same way." Any famliar names from the book, Mason?

Mason: Louise aprilson...

He gasped in shock.

Mason: Massacre Louise april. Thats his known name. He was 25 when he caused the massacure of falcon haven and mount claire, and was 26 when he got arrested for it.

Jayden: 26...that would make him 60 now....

Violet: Now...let's read more about this now. 

I scrolled more and read, Jayden took notes. Mason read along. We read a lot about "Liberty Lee sherman" And "Fiona Aprilson" she was the daughter of Louise Aprilson. 

Violet: It says here...that...Fiona Aprilson now works at the....Warren Public Library! I used to go there all the time as a kid...I know where it is!

Jayden: But how will we get there?!?

Violet: Good ol' fashion way?!? BIKE THERE! we have bikes don't we!?!?

Jayden: True....

We got out of the room, told my mom well be right back. We got on our bikes and rode over to the Warren Public Library.

Carol (Based on True EventsWhere stories live. Discover now