Our little secret...

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(Mason's pov)

I get home and head towards louis's room. I knock on the door. Louis opens it.

Mason: Is Jayden in here...

Louis:...Jayden...Mason needs you.

Jayden walked over. 

Mason: Can we talk....in my room...alone...

Jayden: Yeah..

We get in my room. I close my door and lock it. I sit on my bed. Jayden sits next to me. I look at him.

Mason: I'm sorry i never told you about josh....

Jayden: It's okay...

Mason: I broke up with him though...all i could see in him was Jamie...and...and...i guess it means i broke my promise i made him...

Jayden: What did you promise him?

I sighed.

Mason: I promised him...that i would have sex with him...

Jayden:...Why would you promise him that?

Mason: I don't know...it's just...i wanted to feel loved by someone....but the only way i felt like i could truly be a good girlfriend for him...was making that kind of promise....but.....i finally realized...he's just using me...and trying to get in my pants....now....i've realized...i don't wanna just date someone and then have sex with them even though i barely know them....i wanna date someone...that i know very well...and if we want...we could have sex....

Jayden: Well...is there somebody who makes you feel that way.

Mason:...yeah...and i've friend zoned him more then i should have...but now i've realized....he's not my best friend....

I grab Jayden's hand. 

Mason: He's my soulmate.

Jayden smiles. We both kiss each other. We slowly begin making out. I pull away, Jayden looks at me. 

Jayden: Should we?...only if you consent to it...i don't wanna rape you cause that's not good...

Mason:..Lets do it...you're somebody i've know most of my life...and...it took me time to realize i love you...so yeah...lets do it.

Jayden smiled. I go to take my shirt off...i look at Jayden. 

Mason: I'm a little insecure about my body...

Jayden: Don't worry, i won't judge.

Mason: Promise?

Jayden: Promise.

I smile. I take my shirt off. Jayden looks at my chest.

Carol (Based on True EventsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora