Full Of blood and Holes

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(Dyline's Pov)

We had biked to an old house, the window's were board up, there was caution tape everywhere. 

Dyline: Guys...theres caution tape...that means no entering. 

Jayden: So? We need to save Violet...this is gonna be one step closer.

I sigh, we go inside. 

Violet: Let's spilt into twos...Jayden with me...Mason with Dee...

Jayden and violet turned on their flashlights and go one way. Mason Holds my hand, I held Mason's hand. We turn our flashlights and start walking, we tried to stay brave so she wouldn't use out fears. but clearly it didn't work. We walk into a room and its dark, you couldn't see anything. but then mason got pulled out of the room, he scream as loud as he could.

Dyline: MASON!

Mason: DYLINE!

The door then closed. I tried to open it but it was locked. the light's in the room then turned on. I turn around, and see a bunch of bloody dead bodies everywhere...holes all over them. I screamed as loud as i could. I kept trying to break the door open, but then one of the bodies got up, started coming towards me. I screamed more trying to break the door. finally the door opened and i got out and slammed it as i got out. I then couldn't find mason, i didn't know where he was.

Dyline: Mason?!? MASON?!?

Carol (Based on True EventsWhere stories live. Discover now