Vladimir...Isadora...and Myles?

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(Vladimir's Pov)

I was siting inside, reading, My father told me i need to read the bible...so...that's what i was reading...suddenly i hear a knock on the door. I sigh. I close the book, i get up, opening it seeing..

Vlad: Issy?

Isadora: Hello Vladi..

I smile, I was happy to see her, I missed her beautiful face.

Isadora:...Shall i come inside?

Vlad: Of course.

I let her inside, My father was okay with me hanging out with girls, he didn't like when i hung out with boys.

Vlad: So what brings you here..

Isadora:...Well, I um...I wanted to see you...

Vlad: Really?

Isadora: Mmm Hmm, I missed your handsome face...

I blush a little. She thinks i'm handsome!

Vlad: you think I'm handsome?

Isadora: and Adorable...

I smile, i wanted to kiss her right now....no...no...take it slow Vladimir...

Vlad: Well, I think that your beautiful...

Isadora smiled, such a beautiful smile..

Vlad: and your eyes...those beautiful hazel eyes...I love staring into them..

Isadora: Thank you Vladi..

I nod. She was so cute, she was a bit shorter then me...so looking down at her, made her look cuter...

Isadora:...You don't...reek of piss anymore...you smell like...posies...

Vlad: really?

Isadora nods. I smile, I put my arms around her waist, pulling her closer. She looks down at my arms, then up at me.

Isadora: Vladimir...

Vlad: Isadora...

She moves my hands, putting them on her hips..I look at her, She looks at me. She puts her hands on my shoulders. I smile, she smiles. I love her..am i taking it too slow? she moves a bit closer, her chest pressing against mine a little, I kept telling myself not to look, but the urge to look kept coming. I pull her closer, keeping my hands on his hips. Suddenly, We hear the door open, we look, My father walks in.

Lester: what's this?

Vlad: Father...it's nothing i swear!

Lester: Isadora Hynes?

Isadora: Hello...Lester...

Lester: My son is in love with a girl...

Vlad: father...

Lester: it's about bloody time...carry on...i wont ruin your moment!

My father goes in his room. I look at Isadora, She looks at me. I lock eyes with her, She smiles. Her chest was still pressed against mine. I just wanted to take one quick look...but i don't wanna upset her...She pulls me closer. Her full body pressed against mine. my cheeks burn more, pretty sure my whole face was red by now...Her hands were still on my shoulders...I lock eyes with her again. she puts on hand on my neck, rubbing it. I let out a quiet soft moan...She smiles, putting her hand back on my shoulder. I finally take a glance down at her chest. God! She's hot! She's so so hot! I look at her, I get closer to her, my lips touching hers but not enough to kiss her...She looks at me, I look at her. Suddenly she pulls me in, kissing me. I kiss her, slowly beginning to make out with her, I hear her moaning softly as i kiss her. I move my hands up underneath her chest, She grabs my hands putting them on her chest. I smile while kissing her. I love her so much...She pulls away looking at me. 

Isadora: Should we go...somewhere more private?

I smile.

Vlad: The woods, seems like a private place..

Isadora: Into the woods we go then..come on Vladimir...

I smile, We both leave, going into the woods. I pull Isadora closer kissing her, she puts my hands on her hips, she slowly unbuttons my shirt. I pull away from the kiss, Beginning to kiss her neck, suddenly we hear a crunch of a leaf. We both look at where the noise came from.

Myles: Isn't this surprising?

Vlad: Myles...

I quickly button my shirt. I look at him.

Vlad: What are you doing here...?

Myles: Saw you and Isadora coming into here, thought i'd investigate...trying to have fun without me Vladimir?

Isadora looks at us both.

Isadora: you've...done it in the woods with each other..You know that's a sin, right?

Vlad: It is...but...It was at midnight...

Myles: And you were such a good boy...

I smile, I suddenly look at Isadora.

Vlad: Issy...do you still wanna do it?...if not that's okay..

Myles: If Isadora says no...I'm always here Vladimir..

I look at Myles...then back at Isadora.

Vlad: what if the three of us do it...

Myles and Isadora: What?

Vlad: Come on...I love you both, you both love me....maybe you love each other too!

Myles and Isadora look at each other.

Isadora: Well, I will admit Myles...you are quite handsome..

Myles: and...Isadora...you are beautiful...

They both look at me.

Myles: Should we do it..

Isadora: I'll do it if you do it...and Vlad of course..


I smile, looking at the both of them.

Vlad: Well, let's do it...

Carol (Based on True EventsWhere stories live. Discover now