I love you so, Please dont go

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(Violet's pov)

Mason was holding my arm. i was holding my flashlight with my good hand. We caught up with The twins. they notice my hand, i explained the trance. We then go into the next area. We saw bodies hanging. Bodies of all of carol's old victims. 

Violet: I saw...while i was in a trance..i found out about this...if she kills the person who's soul she was suppose to take....she hangs them in her lair.

Mason looked at me worried. I took out a gun. Carol came out.

Carol: Well finally! you've arrived, and hello violet...

I point my gun at her.

Carol: Hmmm

Mason pulls out a knife. Jayden pulls out a bat with nails in it, And Dyline pulls out an Axe.

Carol: Well....i only need one of you...so i don't see trying to stop me.

Carol looked at Mason. I look at mason. Mason looks at me.

Mason: i'm sorry violet...i'm so...so sorry...

Mason puts the knife away.

(Mason's pov)

i walk over. Sacrificing myself, but just when Carol goes to do her thing. Dyline goes in front of me, getting attacked by Carol. Dyline flings to the ground. 

Mason: DYLINE!

i run over to him. He looks at me hurt badly. 

Dyline: Hey...Mas...

Mason: Dyline...why did you do that?

Dyline:...go fight carol...then i'll tell you..

I nod my head and help violet and jayden. Carol was strong but there was 3 of us...so we were stronger. I stab Carol in the back of her knees. She fell to the ground, Jayden hit her with the bat. I kept stabing her in the back, making her lose a lot of blood. But then she let our fears come to play. A clown grabbed Jayden but the arm. He's screams. a figure began watching violet while bees flew around her. I then knew what she had for me. Pandory the panda grabs me. I scream as loud as i could. But this time i wasn't gonna let her make me afraid. Fuck Pandory, Fuck my fear, Fuck carol, fuck ouija board, Fuck her illusions, FUCK IT ALL! I stab pandory in the arm a bunch, Weird blackish-redish liquid comes out as i stab him, i then stab him in the eye. Then BOOM! he falls! I get up and stab the clown holding jayden in the neck. I then Scream even louder then i ever could. the bees freeze for a moment . Jayden Kill's the figure watching Vi. Violet moves away from the bees. The bees them fly away. Carol then looks at all three of us.

Carol: You really thought the three of you were smart huh?!? I can be even scarier.

Violet: Not anymore.

Violet loads her gun and turns safety off. She points it at carol.

Carol: You think that this will help? I always find a way to come back!

Carol laughs manically. But then...BANG! Violet shot her. Carol then died...she slowly faded away. Violet then had a relieved face.

Violet: Her voice! it's gone! i don't hear her anymore!

Jayden: That's amazing baby!

Mason: And we're all okay!...wait...DYLINE!

I run over to Dyline. Dyline looked at me again.

Dyline: Mas..

Mason: you gotta tell me now....

Dyline: Mason...i protected you...because i loved you....

Mason: Oh...Dyline...i love you too...

I kisses Dyline, Dyline kissed me, as a i pulled away some blood got in my mouth.

Dyline: Goodbye mason....

I started panicking

Mason: Dyline?!? no no no no no.....

i start shaking Dyline.

Mason: Dyline...please...don't go....i need you..

Carol (Based on True EventsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora