Don't fuck up plan A

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(Taylor's Pov)

Jayden unlocks the school. we go into the school. We grab a bucket from the storage room and Mason takes out Klaus. Louis puts his hand over the bucket. Mason cuts Louis's palm. Louis squeezes the blood from his hand into the bucket. I quickly grab stuff to clean his cut and immediately wrap it. Mason quickly wipes Louis's blood off Klaus. Louis quickly put blood on his finger. He made an X on Mason's chest. He did the same for Jayden. He wiped it off. Mason looked at me.

Mason: Please be able to bring him have the Epipens right.

Taylor: Yes..

Mason: And know cpr!??!

Taylor: Yes mason now spread the blood everywhere.

Mason nods and walks away. I take louis into the cafeteria. I take out a bunch of pills. I pour all them out. I put them all into each separate piles.

Taylor: Take these pills might feel like your...loving making with a's weird but thats how i would describe it. Then take this one..then...this one...if you don't take this one next we're fucked...and then this one last...AND I MEAN LAST.

Louis: what kind of pills even are these...

Taylor: Oh anixety medication...epilespy medication, antidepressants....adhd medication....medication for my sleeping disorder...

Louis sighed. 

Louis: Here we go...never thought i'd have to overdose on medication thats not even mine...

Louis takes the first mile and swallows it. I give him a few moments before he takes the next one. I could notice his face changing a bit. I hear him giggle a bit randomly. He starts touching my face a little..I grab the second pile.

Taylor: Okay baby next one..

I put the pills in Louis's mouth. He swallows it.

Taylor: Alright good job babe....good job Lou Lou...just wait for the next one alright...

Louis began looking dizzy. I could tell he was overdosing. I quickly grab the next pile, i go to try to give it to him, but he tries to push me. Oh god this was gonna be hard.

(Mason's pov)

I was put blood all over the walls. but then i hear the panda i feared.

Pandory: "Pandory's pan pizza place" My Pan pizzas #1

I shudder in fear. the song...the pandorys pan pizza palace theme song. I run over to jayden. 

Mason: Pandory's here...

Jayden: So then...Dyline should be too...

Mason:...what are we gonna do...

Jayden looked at me...

Jayden: Split up...

I see Jayden go to run. I quickly grab him. He looks at me. I go in and Kiss him, he kisses me too.

Mason: If one of us dies...We need to remember how much we loved each other..

Jayden: That's true...

Mason: I love you Jayden Tremblay...

Jayden: I love you too Mason Martell...

We both run the opposite way of each other. 

(Taylor's pov)

I shove the pills in Louis's mouth, Hes to swallow them. trying to spit them out.

Taylor: No baby come on...swallow them...please swallow the pills...swallow the pills...

Louis begins to swallow them. 

Taylor: There you go baby...there you's gonna be okay...we'll be okay...after all this...we'll have all the fun you want okay? carnival rides...biking...watching scary movies or even just sex if you want....but it's gonna be okay..

I see louis nod his head gently. I hope we don't fuck up plan A...i haven't thought of Plan B about a different way to kill Louis.

Carol (Based on True EventsWhere stories live. Discover now