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"Sorry." the girl mumbled. Alya stared at her with a bored expression and sighed.

"Whatever. Go away."

The girl got closer to Alya with a smile on her face, which annoyed Alya somehow.

"I'm Nyx, I'm a two tailed shadow cat beastkin What about you?"

"What is that?"

"Huh? You don't know what it is?" Nyx was shocked. Was she born yesterday or what?

"If I did, would I ask?"

"Don' be so rude. And you still haven't told me your name. I don't give information to strangers."

"Then don't tell me. Go away." She tried to shoo her away once again but she didn't budge.

"Fine...since you're still young and lack respect, I'll look past it and tell you."


Nyx once again came closer to Alya, the started to walk around Alya in circles continuously.

"I'm a you, but a special you. Unlike the regular beastkin here, both of us can control specific elements. I control shadows. I believe you can control fire right?" She replied with confirmation in her tone.

She stopped to stare at Alya's face, who looked like her brain had been turned off. She exhaled deeply.

"Have you been living under a rock all your life?" Her voice was low, but audible. Alya's deadpan face suddenly turned angry.

"How would I know anything huh? I just got here!"

Nyx twitched at her sudden outburst.

"How was I supposed to know?"

Alya growled, clearly not enjoying their conversation, but Nyx still continued.

"You know, you would be lonely for the rest of your life, if you don't change your attitude."

"As I said before, mind your business."

"Anyway, since I'm so nice, I'll tell you everything. This world is called Dosir, the Unbound Terrains. There are nine continents, in which one is Nyth, the continent we're on now." She stopped talking when she noticed Alya was still not getting it.

"You don't take in much information do you?"

"It's all new to me, what do you expect?"

Nyx lowered her head and sighed in frustration.

"I think you need a pen and paper for this, but I assume you don't have one, since you don't own a bag.....or anything."

Then it hit her. Alya didn't have any necessities. No money, no food, and no place to sleep. She was worse than poor, even worse than her previous life.

'With no job, what will I do? I don't even know anything about this place, or anyone....except..."

She glanced at Nyx, who had a smug smile on her face. Alya looked away with a groan and massaged her temples. Nyx noticed quickly noticed.

"What's with that face?"

Alya looked up to meet Nyx's gaze. Nyx was a few inches taller, so he had to crane her head a little.

'What other choice do I have?'


"What's up?"

Alya struggled to say the words, so she fumbled with her fingers. Nyx just stared at Alya, waiting to hear what she wanted to say.

Moments later, with a deep breath, Alya finally opened her mouth to speak.

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now