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What Nyx saw was anger and innermost despair. In her eyes was pure malice and a great thirst for revenge. Her whole body twitched with rage and her temperature was quickly rising to the point Nyx had to let go of her or else she would get burned.

Nyx took out a piece of cloth from her pouch and covered her face. She then did the same for Alya before quickly turning to Crisalis, who was still fighting the second beast.

"Crisal, hold your breath!!"

"Why should I hold my.....!!!"


Crisal suddenly froze on the spot. Like an electric shock to her core Crisal's senses started to blur. Her pupils dilated then slowly turned dark, then her small hands began to quiver. Her eyes seemed to gaze at nothing in particular.

The beast quickly noticed that she had stopped attacking and decided to take advantage of the opportunity.

But just as it was about to swipe it's claws at her, a sharp pain surged through its stomach.


It looked below to find blue blood dripping from its abdomen, and the cause of it was some form of dark entity.

"Shadow….." Nyx muttered.

Its abdomen had just been cut through by a huge claw, formed from its own shadow. The person behind it was none other than Nyx, who had just created this with her ability. By taking control of its shadow she created a claw, and pierced the creature from below. This was possible because the creature's underbelly was easier to puncture through.

Her claws dug deeper in, creating a pool of blue blood as it continued to gush out of its belly. Despite the insufferable pain it felt, the beast still tried to wriggle its way out, which formed an even deeper cut. Soon enough it stopped struggling and dropped dead. Nyx flung it away and ran up to Crisal. She then sturdily held her shoulder, and with an anxious face she shook her.


Crisal usually shows no expression, except her eyes, only her eyes could depict her emotions. The emotions Nyx could only depict in her cold blue eyes was the one of despair, fear and hatred. Crisal was gazing forward with so much intensity that the temperature began to drop at an increasingly alarming rate. The area was so cold Nyx started to shiver.

Nyx covered Crisal's face with a cloth then looked around once again, trying to find the thing responsible for this. She knew what was causing it but she couldn't find its location. The scent in the air that caused it was getting stronger. This meant  that the cause of the scent was getting closer. Nyx dashed towards Alya and carried her back to where Crisal was. She kept her on the ground then took out a sword from her pouch and stood guard, her sharp eyes scanned her surroundings carefully.

Suddenly a thick fog started to appear, a fog filled with the gas that caused this. The fog continued to spread until it covered the entire area. She kept her guard up as she held the hilt of her sword tightly. Luckily with her eyes, she could still see past the fog.

A low but loud groan resonated across the area. Nyx's ears perked up at the sound and swiftly turned to the direction it was coming from.

Seconds later large blue vines slowly peeked through the dense fog. The vines slithered though the dead leaves and twigs on the forest floor. Nyx kept a close eye on the vines incase it tries to attack any of them. The groans became louder and the vines crept faster, heading towards any and all directions, unfortunately and most of them were heading towards their direction.


She turned to the girls once more, they were still unresponsive. Alya's fire would've been useful in their current situation. The creature she was about to face was of the fourth class and it shouldn't be in the region they were in, just like the tomb monitors, they were sixth class beasts.

Suddenly, out of nowhere the vines dashed forward, heading towards Alya and Crisal. Before they could grab them, Nyx swiftly cut the vines with a slash of her blade.

Soon enough more vines dashed forward to attack her, but she cut them all with lightning speed. Then more vines came, and more vines after that. She could barely keep up to their speed and numbers now, they were so many and they were equally as fast as her, plus the thick fog that limited her vision didn't make it any easier.

If she was just defending herself it would be much easier, but she was also looking out for the girls. From every angle blue vines crept up and charged towards them. Nyx had to use her shadows as well to slice them all.

While she was busy with the attacking vines, she didn't notice a stray vine slowly crept towards Alya. While she was still slicing hundreds of vines, one large vine had held on to Alya's ankle.

Alya was still unresponsive and wasn't bothered by the vine that latched onto her. Her senses were completely gone at that moment. The vine that held on to her ankle tightened and in a flash, it pulled Alya towards itself.

Nyx had just noticed what had happened and quickly ran towards her to set her free. She swiftly cut through every vine that charged at her and held on to Alya, but before she could set her free, another stray vine had latched onto Cilis.


The vine's grip tightened and it pulled Cilis towards itself. Nyx was struggling to free Alya, and to make matters worse, she had to look for a defenseless Cilis in the fog while trying to fight off murderous blue vines with tips were as sharp as spears. Suddenly, while Nyx held on to the vine, sharp thorns burst forth on the vine's body, piercing both Alya and Nyx. Unlike Alya who couldn't feel anything, Nyx had to bear though the pain and kept on holding on to the vine. She used the sword in her other hand and sliced through it.

"Got you!"

She caught Alya but she didn't know where to keep her so she could be safe, and she still had to rescue Cilis.

The gas the girls had inhaled had a very strong and a very dangerous scent. The gas doesn't kill, but it still had devastating effects.

The very obvious one is temporarily losing ones senses, which makes it easier for the monster to kill and devour its victims.

For higher level creatures like humans, elves and others, this monster  traps its victims in a temporary mental state where their painful and most traumatizing memories are kept. There their victims suffer their past traumas, leaving them somewhat senseless and defenseless against the outside world. There have also been some rare cases of people staying that way permanently.

The reason Nyx wasn't affected, or at least not yet was because she had been thought to suppress it years ago. She could tolerate a certain amount of it, but she still had to cover her face.

Nyx dropped Alya at the tallest tree she could find at the moment then went down to rescue Cilis. She knew it wasn't the safest place since the vines could crawl up the tree, but it still gave her some time. She scanned through the fog for a while before she found Cilis hung upside down, inches above the monster's mouth.

Happy new month everyone! I wanted to post updates on a new month, that's why it took a while to update. I hope you guys re-read chapter one. I changed a few things there which are important for the new updates. Thank you all for the support 🙂🙂

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin