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She used a vine to tie the three huge but light fish to her back, then started to walk back to where the others were.

On the way, all she could think of was the three huge fish on a stick, roasting above an open fire. Her mouth began to water as the thought of other fish dishes, food she could never afford to eat. In the middle of her daydream, she tripped on a large tree root and fell face to the ground.



In minutes, Alya had reached the site where Nyx and the old man were.

To her surprise, the old man was still drinking tea, and Nyx was still holding the kettle, waiting to pour the next round.

'How much tea is in that thing?'

"Hey....old man!"

Nyx looked up and saw Alya's worn-out face and wet clothes, then smiled, she seemed relieved. While the old man still kept his eyes on the cup of tea in his hands.

Alya walked towards them, untied the vine that was holding the fish, and dropped it on the ground. The fish were long dead at this point.


The old man looked up to see the fish, then nodded.

"Go get some firewood." The old man quickly said and continued to drink his tea.


"Don't waste my time."

Alya groaned and reluctantly obeyed.

She walked towards a random part of the forest, leaving the two again. It didn't take long for Alya to find some. She carried them back to their site and placed them next to the fish.

"Done." She grumbled.

The old man looked up again, then nodded. He was still drinking his tea.

"You know what to do next." The old man said.

Nyx just smiled cheekily, and Alya could only glare. She didn't have the slightest thought of helping.

Alya sighed once again.

Luckily there were stones everywhere. She gathered a few, and arranged them in a circle. She then took the firewood and placed them inside the circle of stones.

After she was done with that, she took two long sticks and fixed them on either side of the circle, then used two other stones to start the fire, since she doesn't know how to control fire yet.

She looked back at Nyx and the old man. The old man was uninterested in what she was doing and sipped his tea. Nyx on the other hand was focused on the things she was doing. She smiled in awe.

"I didn't know you could do these things, you always seem lazy."

Alya walked towards her and grabbed the three fish beside her, it looked like she was about to slap Nyx with them, but she stopped mid way. She tried to ignore the last few words.

"I learned from a book I read in the local library of my hometown in my past life. Never tried it before."

"That's even more impressive, right teacher?"

Nyx turned to the old man next to her. Alya wasn't expecting him to praise her, and she was right.

The old man just grunted while sipping his tea.

Alya didn't care and walked back to the fire pit with the three fish in her arms.

She grabbed a long stick, pierced it through the fish, and placed on top of the two sticks.

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now