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"You don't have to be so crass, master."

"How else am I supposed to say it?"

"You could've said it a with the least bit of regret."(I thought we were friends.)

"Why? I never liked you."


"I'm sure Nyx taught you some other skills you need, so there's no reason for you to stay."

She felt and looked dejected, she would really miss this place, and the food, but he was right, she had to leave.

"I could at least stay for a week before I leave." She pleaded.

"One day, so you can pack your bags."

"Five days." She tried to bargain. A day was too short.

"A day and a half."

"So stingy."

"A day and a half it is."

"Okay what about three days?"

The old man pondered for a while(An hour)  then agreed. Alya nodded satisfied.

Just then Nyx burst through the door. Her brows knitted and her face was pale. Sweat dripped from her forehead as she took a sharp breath in. Her eyes darted towards master, anxiety was written on her face.

"Master!" As soon as she noticed Alya, she nervously bit her lips.

'Something must've happened.'

It seemed like the old man understood what was happening and quickly left with Nyx quickly following behind.

Alya, who was left alone in the library without so much as an explanation followed them as well. She wanted to know what was happening.

At lightning speed, Nyx and the old man reached the middle of the forest, the same forest Nyx and Alya passed before reaching the village almost two years ago.

The old man hurriedly climbed the tallest tree, then Nyx followed suit. Alya had managed to find them and climbed up as well.

Once she reached the top, she saw Nyx taking out a telescope and giving it to the old man.

"What is going on?" Alya was dying to know what was happening.

Nyx turned to Alya but didn't say anything, then she turned her focus to the old man staring at something on the telescope.

The old man seemed distressed about something.

"They didn't take time did they."

"It seems they really won't stop until it's all over." Nyx mumbled.

"Till what is over?"

Both gazed at Alya for a while and sighed.

"You, tell her. If she's here she might as well know." The old man mumbled before he got back to what he was doing.

Alya was waiting for an answer.

"We're at war."


"You heard me."

"What happened?! Why is there a war?!"

"Don't yell!" Nyx tried to hush Alya, but she was having none of it.

"Why shouldn't I?!"

"Just shut up first. Let me explain."

Alya reluctantly shut up and waited for an explanation.

"You must already know the main races; humans, beastkin, elves, dwarves, and dragons, live on their own with their own hierarchy, having some or no connection with each other. But the humans, though some of them, have been craving for the power and resources the other continents have, and thought the best thing they could do was take them by force, which has lead to a war."

"They're really greedy huh?"

"Too greedy. Out of all the continents, Nael is the most prosperous. Trading with two-third of the continents isn't enough for them. They had to wage a war and make things worse for everyone else." At this point Nyx was fuming with rage.

'Of course it's humans who cause trouble for everything.'

"Once we stop this war, they'll all pay." Her slit pupils suddenly turned sharp, like a beast ready to pounce.

"--.--"(She still doesn't know I was once a human.)

"I'm sure not all humans support this, right? Alya had to reason with her, after all, not all humans were bad.

"Well, not all. There are few that are helping us stop it. Vinuod's the real problem."


She then remembered, Vinuod was the metropolis of the central continent. It's city was the most prosperous and the most powerful of all the cities in Nael. What made it special were the ring-like walls that surrounds each sector of the hierarchy. Three in total, the royals and nobles in the higher ring, the middle-class in the middle and the serfs in the lower ring.

"Yes, Vinuod."

"I always despised them, especially the nobles." The old man finally paid attention to them.

"The king and queen are crooks. They treat their own people like dirt under their feet, not to talk of the other countries or continents."

"Sounds awful."

"It is."

"They decided to start with Nyth. They've conquered four cities already. This is the first town so far." The old man checked the army marching forward with his telescope again.

"This one is a small group. About six thousand."

"How long has this been happening?" Alya was getting anxious.

"About a year before you arrived."

"Then what will we do about the townsfolk?"

"They already know what's going on. We agreed to evacuate in a week's time."

"The next city is a few ways from here. We've informed the lord residing there what is going on, fortunately he agreed to take them. If we evacuate now, we can..."

"I'll transport them there though my portal. Walking would only waste time. Judging from the distance they would be here in a month's time." The old man said.

"Master, I suggest we start the evacuation." Nyx held Alya's hand and started to climb down.

"I agree."

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now