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In minutes their order was placed on their table. The said special dish the boy recommended was a potato dish. Boiled and Seasoned potatoes with a beef and fish sauce. Just the aroma of the beef and fish left Alya drooling. The potatoes were soft and had that rich colour with some of the red sauce on top drizzling on the edges. As soon as she popped it in her mouth, Her senses went numb. It was too good.


The little boy who had just served Alya the food was still waiting for them to give their review of the dish. His big eyes showed both anticipation and nervousness.

"So miss, what do you think?"

Alya's cheeks were stuffed with potatoes so she could only hum and nod her head happily.

Nyx also ate some and it was indeed delicious.

"You know your stuff kid."

Nyx took out her pouch and brought out six silver coins and placed it in the boy's hands.

"Here's five silver for the meal, and for the great service, here's one for yourself to enjoy."

The boy was shocked at the amount he got for himself. Just one silver coin was equivalent to forty copper coins. This was indeed a lot just for a tip.

He knew he must always be nice to this duo.

"Isn't that a lot for a tip?" Alya was currently sipping her beer.

The boy also agreed to this.

"Eh, I'm feeling generous.

Nyx pat the boy's head and winked.

"Don't tell anyone about this."

The boy nodded with stars in his eyes.


"How.... hiccup....sweet." Alya's words slurred as she tried to talk. Nyx sighed at stared at Alya's beautiful flushed face. Just half a cup of beer and she's already drunk.

Alya tried to drink again but Nyx quickly snatched the half cup of beer before Alya could get to it.

"You don't need this anymore."

"Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwn" Alya stuck out her tongue in disappointment.

"Even your tongue is drunk."


"Hey, where has master been all this time? I haven't seen him since we got here."

By this time they were outside again strolling around the city. Alya was knocked out minutes after she drank the first half. Nyx decided to let her sleep on the table for a while before she woke her up. They decided to stroll on a less crowded and quiet street since Alya didn't like people staring them.

"He's probably gone out of the city."

"Huh? Without us?"

"He had something to do at Caelion."

"Oh. So when will he be back?"

Nyx shrugged at her question. She wasn't sure if he is ever coming back there. The old man's movements were unpredictable. She wasn't even sure if he actually went to Caelion or not.

"Don't know. He usually leaves me in the dark about thes...."


"Hmm?" They both stopped.

Both girls' ears twitched at a small sound. Judging by the short sound followed by quick silence, it seemed that the owner of the voice didn't want to be noticed.

"Is someone following us?" Alya whispered.

"Probably. It sounded like a girl."

Both girls decided to continue their stroll, but this time they were more vigilant.

After a minute of strolling they were definitely sure, someone was tailing them.

"Do you think she's one of the kidnappers?" Alya was getting worried.

"Not likely. I'm sure they would've hidden themselves properly."

"Maybe a thief?"


Just then, Nyx's shadow started moving on it's own.

"The only way to get answers is to ask the stalker herself."

The moment she waved her hand, her living shadow shot down to the ground and bolted towards the stalker hiding in a dark corner. Before the stalker could figure out what was going on, Nyx's shadow had wrapped her up like a present.


"That was easy....."

They quickly got to the stalker who was pushed to the walls by Nyx's shadow.

She was wearing a cloak so it was hard to see her face.

"Why are you following us?" Nyx was the first to ask.

"Are you a thief?"

She shook her head.

"Then why are you stalking us?"

She didn't respond.

"Maybe she's mute?"Alya whispered.

"I'm not mute." Her voice was low.


Alya couldn't see her face so she walked up to the girl and lifted the hood of her cloak.

"Hmmm... you look familiar." Alya stoked her chin.

Nyx rolled her eyes.

"I think it's the little lady those guys were talking about."


Alya had a good look at the girl.

"White pigtails, blue eyes, leopard traits.....dull look on her face.... probably tsundere."

The girl's eye twitched as she heard Alya's descriptions of her.

Seconds later it hit her.


"Crissie...." She sounded annoyed.

"Oh, sorry Crissie."

"I prefer you call me crissal."

"So why are you stalking us?" Nyx asked once more.

"I wasn't stalking you guys. I wanted to talk to you."

"Hmm? Talk to us?"

"A normal person would just walk up to us and talk." Nyx pointed out.

"I'm not much of a talker."

"Tsundere...." Alya snapped her fingers.

"Crissal snarled."

"Well then....Crissal....sorry for wrapping you up like this. But don't forget it's also your fault."

Crissal reluctantly nodded.

Nyx's shadow quickly let go of Crissal.

"Thanks.....I guess."


The three decided to talk at a cafe. Alya ordered some cake to eat while they discussed.

"So what do you want to talk about."

"I want to leave this place."

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Hope you like the chapter.

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